Daan Evers (evers-da)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Evers, Daan. 2009. “Humean Agent-Neutral Reasons?” Philosophical Explorations: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Mind and Action 12(1): 55–67.
Evers, Daan. 2010. “The End-Relational Theory of ‘Ought’ and the Weight of Reasons.” Dialectica 64(3): 405–417.
Evers, Daan. 2011a. “The Standard-Relational Theory of ‘Ought’ and the Oughtistic Theory of Reasons.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89(1): 131–147.
Evers, Daan. 2011b. “Two Objections to Wide-Scoping.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 83: 251–255.
Evers, Daan. 2013. “Weight for Stephen Finlay.” Philosophical Studies 163(3): 737–749.
Evers, Daan. 2014. “In Defence of Proportionalism.” European Journal of Philosophy 22(2): 313–320.
Evers, Daan. 2015. “Street on Evolution and the Normativity of Epistemic Reasons.” Synthese 192(11): 3663–3676.