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Katharina Felka (felka)


    Felka, Katharina. 2014. Number Words and Reference to Numbers.” Philosophical Studies 168(1): 283–294, doi:10.1007/sl 1098-013-0129-3.
    Felka, Katharina. 2015. On the Presuppositions of Number Sentences.” Synthese 192(5): 1393–1412.
    Felka, Katharina. 2016. Talking about Numbers. Easy Arguments for Mathematical Realism. Studies in Theoretical Philosophy n. 3. Frankfurt a.M.: Vittorio Klostermann, doi:10.5771/9783465138792.
    Felka, Katharina. 2022. Focus Effects in Number Sentences Revisited.” Dialectica 76(1), doi:10.48106/dial.v76.i1.04.