Michèle Friend (friend-m)
Contributions à Philosophie.ch
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Friend, Michèle. 2006. “Meinongian Structuralism.” in The Logica Yearbook 2005, edited by Marta Bı́lková and Ondřej Tomala, pp. 71–84. Praha: Filosofia. Nakladetelstvı́ Filosofického ústavu AV ČR.
Friend, Michèle. 2014. Pluralism in Mathematics: A New Position in the Philosophy of Mathematics. Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science n. 32. Cham: Springer.
Friend, Michèle. 2015. “On the Epistemological Significance of the Hungarian Project.” Synthese 192(7): 2035–2051.