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Eric Funkhouser (funkhouser)

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    Funkhouser, Eric. 2003. Willing Belief and the Norm of Truth.” Philosophical Studies 115(2): 179–195.
    Funkhouser, Eric. 2006. The Determinable-Determinate Relation.” Noûs 40(3): 548–569.
    Funkhouser, Eric. 2007a. Multiple Realizability.” Philosophy Compass 2(2): 303–315.
    Funkhouser, Eric. 2007b. A Liberal Conception of Multiple Realizability.” Philosophical Studies 132(3): 467–494.
    Funkhouser, Eric. 2009. Frankfurt Cases and Overdetermination.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 39(3): 341–370.
    Funkhouser, Eric. 2014a. The Logical Structure of Kinds. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198713302.001.0001.
    Funkhouser, Eric. 2014b. A Call for Modesty: A Priori Philosophy and the Mind-Body Problem.” in New Waves in Philosophy of Mind, edited by Mark Sprevak and Jesper Kallestrup, pp. 21–37. New Waves in Philosophy. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Funkhouser, Eric and Spaulding, Shannon. 2009. Imagination and other scripts.” Philosophical Studies 143(3): 291–314.