Gerald F. Gaus (gaus-gf)
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Courtland, Shane D., Gaus, Gerald F. and Schmidtz, David. 2022. “Liberalism.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
D’Agostino, Fred B. and Gaus, Gerald F. 2008. “Contemporary Approaches to the Social Contract.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
D’Agostino, Fred B., Gaus, Gerald F. and Thrasher, John. 2011. “Contemporary Approaches to the Social Contract.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
D’Agostino, Fred B., Gaus, Gerald F. and Thrasher, John. 2017. “Contemporary Approaches to the Social Contract.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
D’Agostino, Fred B., Gaus, Gerald F. and Thrasher, John. 2021. “Contemporary Approaches to the Social Contract.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Gaus, Gerald F. 1980. “Property and Justice: A Select Bibliography.” in Property, edited by James Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman, pp. 385–406. Nomos, Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy n. 22. New York: New York University Press.
Gaus, Gerald F. 1986. “Subjective Value and Justificatory Political Theory.” in Justification, edited by James Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman, pp. 241–269. Nomos, Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy n. 28. New York: New York University Press.
Gaus, Gerald F. 1989. “A Contractual Justification of Redistributive Capitalism.” in Markets and Justice, edited by John W. Chapman and James Roland Pennock, pp. 89–121. Nomos, Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy n. 31. New York: New York University Press.
Gaus, Gerald F. 1991. “Does Compensation Restore Equality?” in Compensatory Justice, edited by John W. Chapman, pp. 45–81. Nomos, Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy n. 33. New York: New York University Press.
Gaus, Gerald F. 1994a. “Property, Rights, and Freedom.” Social Philosophy and Policy 11: 209–240.
Gaus, Gerald F. 1994b. “Public Reason and the Rule of Law.” in The Rule of Law, edited by Ian Shapiro, pp. 328–363. Nomos, Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy n. 36. New York: New York University Press.
Gaus, Gerald F. 1996. “Liberalism.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Gaus, Gerald F. 1999. “Reasonable Pluralism and the Domain of the Political: How the Weaknesses of John Rawls’s Political Liberalism Can be Overcome by a Justificatory Liberalism.” Inquiry 42(2): 259–284.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2003a. Contemporary Theories of Liberalism. Public Reason as a Post-Enlightenment Project. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2003b. “Once More Unto the Breach, My Dear Friends, Once More [on McMahon (2001)].” Philosophical Studies 116(2): 159–170.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2003c. “Goals, Symbols, Principles: Nozick on Practical Rationality.” in Robert Nozick, edited by David Schmidtz, pp. 105–130. Contemporary Philosophy in Focus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2005. “Dirty Hands.” in A Companion to Applied Ethics, edited by Christopher Heath Wellman and Ray G. Frey, pp. 167–179. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2006. “Hayek on the Evolution of Society and Mind.” in The Cambridge Companion to Hayek, edited by Edward C. Feser, pp. 232–258. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2009a. “Recognized Rights as Devices of Public Reason.” in Philosophical Perspectives 23: Ethics, edited by John Hawthorne, pp. 111–136. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2009b. “The Moral Foundations of Liberal Neutrality.” in Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy, edited by Thomas Christiano and John Christman, pp. 81–98. Contemporary Debates in Philosophy n. 11. Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781444310399.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2009c. “State Neutrality and Controversial Values in On Liberty.” in Mill’s On Liberty. A Critical Guide, edited by Chin Liew Ten, pp. 83–104. Cambridge Critical Guides. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2011. “Explanation, Justification, and Emergent Properties: an Essay on Nozickian Metatheory.” in The Cambridge Companion to Nozick’s Anarchy, State and Utopia, edited by Ralf M. Bader and John Meadowcroft, pp. 116–143. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2012a. “Property.” in The Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy, edited by David Estlund, pp. 93–114. Oxford Handbooks. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195376692.001.0001.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2012b. “Constructivist and Ecological Modeling of Group Rationality.” Episteme 9(3): 245–254.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2013. “The Turn to a Political Liberalism.” in A Companion to Rawls, edited by Jon Mandle and David A. Reidy, pp. 235–250. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781118328460.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2014. “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Three Agent-Type Challenges to The Order of Public Reason.” Philosophical Studies 170(3): 563–577.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2015a. “Private and Public Conscience (Or, Is the Sanctity of Conscience a Liberal Commitment or an Anarchical Fallacy?).” in Reason, Value, and Respect. Kantian Themes from the Philosophy of Thomas E. Hill, Jr., edited by Mark Timmons and Robert N. Johnson, pp. 135–156. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199699575.001.0001.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2015b. “Public Reason Liberalism.” in The Cambridge Companion to Liberalism, edited by Steven Wall, pp. 112–140. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9781139942478.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2016a. The Tyranny of the Ideal. Justice in a Diverse Society. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, doi:10.23943/princeton/9780691183428.001.0001.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2016b. “The Role of Conservatism in Securing and Maintaining just Moral Constitutions: Toward a Theory of Complex Normative Systems.” in American Conservatism, edited by Sanford Levinson, Joel Parker, and Melissa S. Williams, pp. 256–291. Nomos, Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy n. 56. New York: New York University Press.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2016c. “Mill’s Normative Economics.” in A Companion to Mill, edited by Christopher Macleod and Dale E. Miller, pp. 488–503. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781118736739.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2018. “Hayekian ‘Classical’ Liberalism.” in The Routledge Handbook of Libertarianism, edited by Jason Brennan, Bas Van der Vossen, and David Schmidtz, pp. 34–52. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2019. “Moral Conflict and Prudential Agreement: Michael Moehler’s Minimal Morality [on Moehler (2018)].” Analysis 79(1): 106–115.
Gaus, Gerald F. 2021. The Open Society and Its Complexities. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190648978.001.0001.
Gaus, Gerald F. and Chapman, John W. 1978. “Anarchism and Political Philosophy: An Introduction.” in Anarchism, edited by James Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman, pp. xvii–xlv. Nomos, Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy n. 19. New York: New York University Press.
Gaus, Gerald F. and Courtland, Shane D. 2003. “Liberalism.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Gaus, Gerald F. and Courtland, Shane D. 2007. “Liberalism.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Gaus, Gerald F. and Courtland, Shane D. 2010. “Liberalism.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Gaus, Gerald F., Courtland, Shane D. and Schmidtz, David. 2014. “Liberalism.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Gaus, Gerald F., Courtland, Shane D. and Schmidtz, David. 2018. “Liberalism.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Gaus, Gerald F. and D’Agostino, Fred B., eds. 2013. The Routledge Companion to Social and Political Philosophy. Routledge Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge.
Gaus, Gerald F. and Thrasher, John. 2013. “Social Evolution.” in The Routledge Companion to Social and Political Philosophy, edited by Gerald F. Gaus and Fred B. D’Agostino, pp. 643–655. Routledge Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge.
Gaus, Gerald F. and Thrasher, John. 2015. “Rational Choice and the Original Position: the (many) Models of Rawls and Harsanyi.” in The Original Position, edited by Timothy Hinton, pp. 39–58. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9781107375321.
Gaus, Gerald F. and Vallier, Kevin, eds. 2022. Public Reason and Diversity: Reinterpretations of Liberalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781009067867.
Further References
McMahon, Christopher. 2001. Collective Rationality and Collective Reasoning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Moehler, Michael. 2018. Minimal Morality. A Multilevel Social Contract Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198785927.001.0001.