Peter F. Gibbins (gibbins)
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“Unless” is “Or”, Unless “¬A Unless A” is InvalidContributions à
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Cutland, N. J. and Gibbins, Peter F. 1982. “A Regular Sequent Calculus for Quantum Logic in which \(\wedge\) and \(\vee\) are Dual.” Logique et Analyse 25(99): 221–248.
Gibbins, Peter F. 1979. “Material Implication: A Variant of the Dale Defence [on Dale (1979)].” Logique et Analyse 22(88): 447–452.
Gibbins, Peter F. 1982a. “The Strange Modal Logic of Indeterminacy.” Logique et Analyse 25(100): 443–446.
Gibbins, Peter F. 1982b. “Or, ‘Not,’ and the Way Things Are.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 56: 51–65.
Gibbins, Peter F. 1982c. “Quantum Logic and Ensembles.” in Space, Time and Causality, edited by Richard Swinburne, pp. 191–206. Synthese Library n. 157. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
Gibbins, Peter F. 1985. “A User-Friendly Quantum Logic.” Logique et Analyse 28(112): 353–362.
Gibbins, Peter F. 1987. Particles and Paradoxes. The Limits of Quantum Logic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511570674.
Further References
Dale, Tony. 1979. “A Natural Deduction System for ‘If Then’ .” Logique et Analyse 22(87): 339–345.