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Paul C. Gilmore (gilmore-pc)

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How to Adopt a Logic

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    Gilmore, Paul C. 1963. An Abstract Computer with a Lisp-Like Machine Language Without a Label Operator.” in Computer Programming and Formal Systems, edited by P. Braffort and D. Hirschberg, pp. 71–86. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 35. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
    Gilmore, Paul C. 1970. An Examination of the Geometry Theorem Machine.” Artificial Intelligence 1(3–4): 171–187.
    Gilmore, Paul C. 1974. The Consistency of Partial Set Theory without Extensionality.” in Axiomatic Set Theory, edited by Thomas J. Jech, pp. 147–154. Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics n. 13.2. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society. Proceedings of the Symposium held at the University of California, Los Angeles, July 10 – August 5, 1967.
    Gilmore, Paul C. 1980. Combining Unrestricted Abstraction with Universal Quantification.” in To H.B. Curry: Essays on Combinatory Logic, Lambda Calculus, and Formalism, edited by Jonathan P. Seldin and J. Roger Hindley, pp. 99–124. New York: Academic Press.
    Gilmore, Paul C. 2001. An Intensional Type Theory: Motivation and Cut-Elimination.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 66(1): 383–400.
    Gilmore, Paul C. 2005. Logicism Renewed: Logical Foundations for Mathematics and Computer Science. Wellesley, Massachusetts: A.K. Peters.