Thomas Goschke (goschke)
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Goschke, Thomas. 2013. “Volition in Action: Intentions, Control Dilemmas, and the Dynamic Regulation of Cognitive Control.” in Action Science. Foundations of an Emerging Discipline, edited by Wolfgang Prinz, Miriam Beisert, and Arvid Herwig, pp. 409–434. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Goschke, Thomas and Koppelberg, Dirk. 1990. “Connectionism and the Semantic Content of Internal Representation.” Review of International Philosophy 44: 87–103.
Goschke, Thomas and Koppelberg, Dirk. 1991. “The Concept of Representation and the Representation of Concepts in Connectionist Models.” in Philosophy and Connectionist Theory, edited by William M. Ramsey, Stephen P. Stich, and David E. Rumelhart, pp. 129–162. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.