Arthur C. Graesser (graesser)
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Britton, Bruce K. and Graesser, Arthur C., eds. 1996. Models of Understanding Text. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Graesser, Arthur C. 1996. “Review of Corriveau (1995).” Computational Linguistics 22(2): 265–266.
Graesser, Arthur C., VanLehn, Kurt, Rosé, Carolyn Penstein, Jordan, Pamela W. and Harter, Derek. 2001. “Intelligent Tutoring Systems with Conversational Dialogue.” The AI Magazine 22(1): 39–51.
Matthews, Eric C., Tanner Jackson, G., Graesser, Arthur C., Person, Natalie K. and Tutoring Research Group, the. 2003. “Discourse Patterns in Why/AutoTutor.” in AAAI-03. Working Papers of the 2003 AAAI Spring Symposium on Natural Language Generation in Spoken and Written Dialogue, edited by Reva Freedman and Charles B. Callaway, pp. 97–103. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Further References
Corriveau, Jean-Pierre. 1995. Time-Constrained Memory: A Reader-Based Approach to Text Comprehension. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.