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Dimitri Gutas (gutas-d)

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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

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    Fortenbaugh, William W., Huby, Pamela, Sharples, Robert W. and Gutas, Dimitri, eds. 1992a. Theophrastus of Eresus. Sources for His Life, Writings, Thought and Influence. Vol. 1: Life, Writings, Various Reports, Logic, Physics, Metaphysics, Theology, Mathematics. Philosophia Antiqua n. 54/1. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    Fortenbaugh, William W., Huby, Pamela, Sharples, Robert W. and Gutas, Dimitri, eds. 1992b. Theophrastus of Eresus. Sources for His Life, Writings, Thought and Influence. Vol. 2: Psychology, Human Physiology, Living Creatures, Botany, Ethics, Religion, Politics, Rhetoric and Poetics, Music, Miscellanea. Philosophia Antiqua n. 54/2. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    Gutas, Dimitri. 1994. Pre-Plotinian Philosophy in Arabic (Other than Platonism and Aristotelianism): A Review of the Sources.” in Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt. Teil II: Principiat. Band 36: Philosophie, Wissenschaften, Technik. 7. Teilband: Philosophie (systematische Themen; indirekte Überlieferungen; Allgemeines; Nachträge), pp. 4939–4973. Berlin: de Gruyter.
    Gutas, Dimitri. 2005. The Logic of Theology (kalām) in Avicenna.” in Logik und Theologie. Das Organon im Arabischen und im Lateinischen Mittelalter, edited by Dominik Perler and Ulrich Rudolph, pp. 59–72. Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters n. 84. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    Gutas, Dimitri. 2008. Arabic Particles and Graeco-Arabic Translations: on the Uses of Galex I.” in Islamic Thought in the Middle Ages. Studies in Text, Transmission and Translation, in Honour of Hans Daiber, edited by Anna Akasoy and Wim Raven, pp. 557–564. Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Texts and Studies n. 75. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    Gutas, Dimitri. 2010a. Theophrastus, On First Principles (known as his Metaphysics). Philosophia Antiqua n. 119. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    Gutas, Dimitri. 2010b. Origins in Baghdad.” in The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy, volume I, edited by Robert Pasnau and Christina van Dyke, pp. 11–25. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Gutas, Dimitri. 2013. Avicenna’s Philosophical Project.” in Interpreting Avicenna. Critical Essays, edited by Peter Adamson, pp. 28–47. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Gutas, Dimitri. 2014. Avicenna and the Aristotelian Tradition: Introduction to Reading Avicenna’s Philosophical Works. 2nd ed. Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Texts and Studies n. 89. Leiden: E.J. Brill. Second, revised and enlarged edition, including an inventory of Avicenna’s Authentic Works.
    Gutas, Dimitri. 2016. Ibn Sina [Avicenna].” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Gutas, Dimitri. 2017. Intellectual Exchanges with the Arab World.” in The Cambridge Intellectual History of Byzantium, volume II, edited by Anthony Kaldellis and Niketas Siniossoglou, pp. 79–100. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781107300859.
    Gutas, Dimitri and Siniossoglou, Niketas. 2017. Philosophy and ‘Byzantine Philosophy’ .” in The Cambridge Intellectual History of Byzantium, volume II, edited by Anthony Kaldellis and Niketas Siniossoglou, pp. 271–295. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781107300859.