Martin Hackl (hackl)
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Considerations on Logical Consequence and Natural LanguageContributions à
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Fox, Danny and Hackl, Martin. 2006. “The Universal Density of Measurement.” Linguistics and Philosophy 29(5): 537–586, doi:10.1007/s10988-006-9004-4.
Hackl, Martin. 2009. “On the Grammar and Processing of Proportional Quantifiers: Most Versus More Than Half.” Natural Language Semantics 17(1): 63–98.
Sudo, Yasutada, Romoli, Jacopo, Hackl, Martin and Fox, Danny. 2012. “Presupposition Projection Out of Quantified Sentences: Strengthening, Local Accommodation and Inter-Speaker Variation.” in Logic, Language and Meaning. 18th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 2011. Revised Selected Papers, edited by Maria Aloni, Vadim Kimmelman, Florian Roelofsen, Galit W. Sassoon, Katrin Schulz, and Matthijs Westera, pp. 210–218. Berlin: Springer.