Zellig Sabattei Harris (harris-z)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Harris, Zelig Sabattei. 1951. Structural Linguistics. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
Harris, Zelig Sabattei. 1968. Mathematical Structures of Language. New York: Interscience Publishers.
Harris, Zelig Sabattei. 1970. Papers in Structural and Transformational Linguistics. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co. Second, expanded edition: Harris (1981).
Harris, Zelig Sabattei. 1978. “The Interrogative in a Syntactic Framework.” in Questions, edited by Henry Hiẓ, pp. 1–36. Synthese Language Library n. 1. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
Harris, Zelig Sabattei. 1981. Papers on Syntax. Synthese Language Library n. 14. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co. Edited by Henry Hiz; expanded edition of Harris (1970).
Harris, Zelig Sabattei. 1991. A Theory of Language and Information: A Mathematical Approach. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Harris, Zelig Sabattei. 2002. “The Background of Transformational and Metalanguage Analysis.” in The Legacy of Zellig Harris: Language and Information into the 21st Century. Vol. 1: Philosophy of Science, Syntax, and Semantics, edited by Bruce E. Nevin and Stephen M. Johnson, pp. 1–17. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory n. 228. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co.