Charles W. Hendel (hendel-cw)
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Hendel, Charles W. 1931. “The Varieties of Political Obligation.” in Proceedings of the Seventh International congress of philosophy, held at Oxford, England, September 1-6, 1930, edited by Gilbert Ryle, pp. 336–342. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by the Institut International de Philosophie.
Hendel, Charles W. 1934. “The Status of Mind in Reality.” The Journal of Philosophy 31(9): 225–235.
Hendel, Charles W. 1961a. “La connaissance de l’existence.” Dialectica 15(57–58): 131–165.
Hendel, Charles W. 1961b. “Réponse à Theodorakopoulos et al. (1961).” Dialectica 15(57–58): 178.
Hendel, Charles W. 1961c. “Réponse à Theodorakopoulos (1961).” Dialectica 15(57–58): 179.
Further References
von Rintelen, Fritz-Joachim. 1961. “La connaissance de l’existence.” Dialectica 15(57–58): 165–173.
Theodorakopoulos, Jean. 1961. “Précision sur Theodorakopoulos et al. (1961).” Dialectica 15(57–58): 178.
Theodorakopoulos, Jean, Hersch, Jeanne, Ayer, Alfred Jules, Gibson, A. Boyce and Breda, Herman Leo van. 1961. “Discussion de Hendel (1961a) et de von Rintelen (1961).” Dialectica 15(57–58): 174–178.