William Heytesbury (heytesbury)
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Heytesbury, Guillaume. 1994. Sophismata Asinina. Une introduction aux disputes médiévales. Sic et Non. Paris: Librairie philosophique Jean Vrin. Présentation, édition critique et analyse par Fabienne Pironet.
Heytesbury, William. 1979. On “Insoluble” Sentences: Chapter One of His Rules for Solving Sophisms. Mediaeval Sources in Translation n. 21. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. Translated with an introduction and study, by Vincent Spade.
Heytesbury, William. 1984. On Maxima and Minima. Chapter 5 of Rules for Solving Sophismata, with an Anonymous Fourteenth-Century Discussion. Synthese Historical Library n. 26. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co. Translated, with an introduction and study, by John Longeway.