Shadworth H. Hodgson (hodgson-sh)
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Carr, Herbert Wildon, Hodgson, Shadworth H., Sturt, Henry and Lindsay, James. 1901. “Discussion of Mr. Stout’s Paper [Stout (1901)].” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 2: 15–24.
Hodgson, Shadworth H. 1876. “Mr. Matthew Arnold on Descartes’ Cogito Ergo Sum.” Mind 1(4): 568–570.
Hodgson, Shadworth H. 1877. “Mr. Hodgson on ‘Cogito ergo sum’ [on Hodgson (1876)].” Mind 2(5): 126–130.
Hodgson, Shadworth H. 1879. “On Causation.” Mind 4(16): 500–519.
Hodgson, Shadworth H. 1880. “The Achilles and Tortoise: A Dialogue.” Mind 5(19): 386–390.
Hodgson, Shadworth H. 1883. “Subjectivity in Philosophy – A Reply.” Mind 8(29): 92–101.
Hodgson, Shadworth H. 1884. “The Metaphysical Method in Philosophy.” Mind 9(33): 48–72.
Hodgson, Shadworth H. 1890a. “What is Logic?” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 1(3): 1–31.
Hodgson, Shadworth H. 1890b. “Universals in Logic.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 1(3): 82–91.
Hodgson, Shadworth H. 1894. “Reflective Consciousness.” Mind 3(10): 208–221.
Hodgson, Shadworth H. 1897. “In What Sense, If Any, Do Past and Future Time Exist?” Mind 6(22): 231–235.
Hodgson, Shadworth H. 1900a. “The Substance-Attribute Conception in Philosophy.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 1: 90–102.
Hodgson, Shadworth H. 1900b. “Perception of Change and Duration – A Reply [to Stout (1900)].” Mind 9(34): 240–243.
Hodgson, Shadworth H. 1900c. “Les conceptions de la cause et de la condition réelle.” in Philosophie générale et métaphysique, edited by Bibliothèque du Congrès International de Philosophie, pp. 237–256. Actes du 1er Congrès International de Philosophie n. 1. Paris: Armand Colin.
Hodgson, Shadworth H. 1910. “On Mr. S.Waterlow’s Paper [Waterlow (1910)].” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 10: 189–190.
Hodgson, Shadworth H. 1912. “Some Cardinal Points in Knowledge.” Proceedings of the British Academy 5.
Further References
Boutwood, Arthur. 1902. “The Philosophy of Probability.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 2: 74–93.
Bryant, Sophie. 1902. “The Relation of Mathematics to General Formal Logic.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 2: 105–134.
Stout, George F. 1900. “Perception of Change and Duration.” Mind 9(33): 1–7.
Stout, George F. 1901. “Alleged Self-Contradictions in the Concept of Relation – A Criticism of Mr. Bradley’s ‘Appearance and Reality,’ pt. I, ch. III.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 2: 1–14.
Waterlow, Sydney Philip. 1910. “Some Philosophical Implications of Mr. Bertrand Russell’s Logical Theory of Mathematics.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 10: 132–188.