John F. Horty (horty)
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Horty, John F. 1990. “A Skeptical Theory of Mixed Inheritance.” in Truth or Consequences: Essays in Honor of Nuel Belnap, edited by Michael J. Dunn and Anil Gupta, pp. 267–282. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Horty, John F. 1991. “A Credulous Theory of Mixed Inheritance.” in Inheritance Hierarchies in Knowledge Representation and Programming Languages, pp. 13–28. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc.
Horty, John F. 1993a. “Deontic Logic as Founded on Nonmonotonic Logic.” Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 9: 69–91.
Horty, John F. 1993b. “Nonmonotonic Techniques in the Formalization of Commonsense Normative Reasoning.” in Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, edited by Vladimir Lifschitz, John McCarthy, Leora Morgenstern, and Yoav Shoham. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Horty, John F. 1994a. “Moral Dilemmas and Nonmonotonic Logic.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 23(1): 35–65.
Horty, John F. 1994b. “Some Direct Theories of Nonmonotonic Inheritance.” in Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming, Volume 3: Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Uncertain Reasoning, edited by Dov M. Gabbay, Christopher J. Hogger, and James A. Robinson, pp. 111–187. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Horty, John F. 1995a. “Deontic Logic and Nonmonotonic Reasoning.” in Essays in Defeasible Deontic Logic, edited by Donald L. Nute. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Horty, John F. 1995b. “Intentions as Filters.” in AAAI-95. Working Papers of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Rational Agency: Concepts, Theories, Models, and Applications, edited by Michael R. Fehling, pp. 82–88. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Horty, John F. 1996a. “Agency and Obligation.” Synthese 108(2): 269–307.
Horty, John F. 1996b. “Combining Agency and Obligation (Preliminary Version).” in \(\Delta\)EON’96. Deontic Logic, Agency and Normative Systems, Third International Workshop on Deontic Logic in Computer Science, Sesimbra, Portugal, 11–13 January 1996, edited by Mark A. Brown and José Carmo, pp. 98–122. Berlin: Springer.
Horty, John F. 1997. “Nonmonotonic Foundations for Deontic Logic.” in Defeasible Deontic Logic, edited by Donald L. Nute, pp. 17–44. Synthese Library n. 263. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Horty, John F. 2001a. Agency and Deontic Logic. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/0195134613.001.0001.
Horty, John F. 2001b. “Nonmonotonic Logic.” in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic, edited by Lou F. Goble, pp. 336–361. Blackwell Philosophy Guides. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9781405164801.
Horty, John F. 2002a. “Skepticism and Floating Conclusions.” Artificial Intelligence 135(1–2): 55–72.
Horty, John F. 2002b. “Review of Hansson (2001).” Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 6(9).
Horty, John F. 2009. Frege on Definitions: A Case Study of Semantic Content. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199732715.001.0001.
Horty, John F. 2012. Reasons as Defaults. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199744077.001.0001.
Horty, John F. 2019. “Epistemic Oughts in Stit Semantics.” Ergo 6(4): 71–120.
Horty, John F. and Belnap, Nuel D., Jr. 1995. “The Deliberative stit: A Study of Action, Omission, and Obligation.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 24(6): 583–644.
Horty, John F. and Pollack, Martha E. 1998. “Evaluating Options in a Context.” in TARK 1997. Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge: Proceedings of the Seventh Conference, edited by Itzhak Gilboa, pp. 249–262. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Horty, John F. and Pollack, Martha E. 2001. “Evaluating New Options in the Context of Existing Plans.” Artificial Intelligence 127(2): 199–220.
Horty, John F. and Shoham, Yoav, eds. 1993. AAAI-93. Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Reasoning about Mental States. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Horty, John F. and Thomason, Richmond H. 1987a. “Mixing Strict and Defeasible Inheritance.” in AAAI-87. Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Kenneth D. Forbus and Howard E. Shrobe, pp. 427–432. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Horty, John F. and Thomason, Richmond H. 1987b. “Logics for Nonmonotonic Inheritance.” in Second International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning, edited by Michael Reinfrank, Johan de Kleer, and Erik Sandewall, pp. 220–237. Berlin: Springer.
Horty, John F. and Thomason, Richmond H. 1990. “Boolean Extensions of Inheritance Networks.” in AAAI-90. Proceedings of the Eighth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Thomas G. Dietterich and William R. Swartout, pp. 633–639. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Horty, John F. and Thomason, Richmond H. 1991. “Conditionals and Artificial Intelligence.” Fundamenta Informaticae 15(3–4): 301–324.
Horty, John F., Thomason, Richmond H. and Touretzky, David S. 1987. “A Skeptical Theory of Inheritance in Nonmonotonic Semantic Nets.” in AAAI-87. Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Kenneth D. Forbus and Howard E. Shrobe, pp. 358–363. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press. Published as Horty, Thomason and Touretzky (1990).
Horty, John F., Thomason, Richmond H. and Touretzky, David S. 1990. “A Skeptical Theory of Inheritance in Nonmonotonic Semantic Networks.” Artificial Intelligence 42(3): 311–349.
Kraus, Sarit, Perlis, Donald and Horty, John F. 1991. “Reasoning about Ignorance: A Note on the Bush-Gorbachov Problem.” Fundamenta Informaticae 15(3–4): 325–332.
Nair, Shyam and Horty, John F. 2018. “The Logic of Reasons.” in The Oxford Handbook of Reasons and Normativity, edited by Daniel Star, pp. 67–84. Oxford Handbooks. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199657889.001.0001.
Pollack, Martha E. and Horty, John F. 1999. “There’s More to Life than Making Plans.” The AI Magazine 20(4): 71–84.
Thomason, Richmond H. and Horty, John F. 1996. “Nondeterministic Action and Dominance: Foundations for Planning and Qualitative Decision.” in TARK 1996. Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge: Proceedings of the Sixth Conference, edited by Yoav Shoham, pp. 229–250. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. The statement and proof of the soundness theorem in Section 7 of this version are flawed. See\(\sim\)thomason/dominance.html. .
Thomason, Richmond H., Horty, John F. and Touretzky, David S. 1986. “A Calculus for Inheritance in Monotonic Semantic Nets.” cmu-cs-86-138. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.
Thomason, Richmond H., Horty, John F. and Touretzky, David S. 1991. “A Calculus for Inheritance in Monotonic Semantic Nets.” in Methodologies for Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium, edited by Zbigniew Raś and Maria Zemankova, pp. 280–287. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
Touretzky, David S., Horty, John F. and Thomason, Richmond H. 1987. “A Clash of Intuitions: the Current State of Nonmonotonic Multiple Inheritance Systems.” in IJCAI-87. Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by John McDermott, pp. 476–482. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Touretzky, David S., Thomason, Richmond H. and Horty, John F. 1991. “A Skeptic’s Menagerie: Conflictors, Preemptors, Reinstaters, and Zombies in Nonmonotonic Inheritance.” in IJCAI-91. Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by John Mylopoulos and Raymond Reiter, pp. 478–483. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence n. 814. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Further References
Hansson, Sven Ove. 2001. The Structure of Values and Norms. Cambridge Studies in Probability, Induction, and Decision Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.