George E. Hughes (hughes-ge)
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Cresswell, Maxwell J. and Hughes, George E. 1968. An Introduction to Modal Logic. London: Methuen & Co.
Cresswell, Maxwell J. and Hughes, George E. 1996. A New Introduction to Modal Logic. London: Routledge.
Hughes, George E. 1948. “The Ethical Relevance of Consequences.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 48: 59–74.
Hughes, George E. 1949a. “Is there Knowledge by Acquaintance?” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 23: 91–110.
Hughes, George E. 1949b. “Has God’s Existence Been Disproved? A Reply to Professor J.N. Findlay (1948).” Mind 58(229): 67–74.
Hughes, George E. 1958. “Moral Condemnation.” in Essays in Moral Philosophy, edited by Abraham Irving Melden, pp. 108–134. Washington, D.C.: University of Washington Press.
Hughes, George E. 1980. “Equivalence Relations and S5.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 21: 577–584.
Hughes, George E. 1989. “The Modal Logic of John Buridan.” in Atti del convegno internazionale di storia della logica: le teorie delle modalità: San Gimignano, 5-8 dicembre 1987, edited by Giovanna Corsi, Corrado Mangione, and Massimo Mugnai, pp. 93–111. Bologna: Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice (CLUEB).
Hughes, George E. 1990. “Every World Can See a Reflexive World.” Studia Logica: An International Journal for Symbolic Logic 49: 175–181.
Hughes, George E. 1997. “An Incredible Coincidence?” Mind 106: 769–772.
Further References
Findlay, John Niemeyer. 1948. “Can God’s Existence Be Disproved?” Mind 57(226): 176–183.