Robert A. Imlay (imlay)
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Imlay, Robert A. 1968. “Sayward on Assertion and Belief.” Philosophical Studies 19(5): 76–79.
Imlay, Robert A. 1969a. “Immediate Awareness.” Dialogue. Revue canadienne de philosophie / Canadian Philosophical Review 8(2): 228–242.
Imlay, Robert A. 1969b. “Descartes’ Ontological Argument.” The New Scholasticism 43(3): 440–448.
Imlay, Robert A. 1971a. “Descartes’ Ontological Argument: A Causal Argument.” The New Scholasticism 45(2): 348–351.
Imlay, Robert A. 1971b. “Berkeley on Abstract General Ideas.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 9(3): 321–328.
Imlay, Robert A. 1973. “Intuition and the Cartesian Circle.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 11(1): 19–27.
Imlay, Robert A. 1975. “Hume on Intuitive and Demonstrative Inference.” Hume Studies 1(2): 31–47.
Imlay, Robert A. 1976. “Hausman on Certainty and Necessity in Hume.” Hume Studies 2(1): 47–52.
Imlay, Robert A. 1977a. “Science, Necessity and the Cartesian Circle.” Studia Leibnitiana 9(2): 255–265.
Imlay, Robert A. 1977b. “How Not to Refute Hume’s Theory of Causality: A Reply to Gray (1976).” Hume Studies 3(1): 51–52.
Imlay, Robert A. 1979. “Arnauld on Descartes’ Essence: A Misunderstanding.” Studia Leibnitiana 11(1): 134–145.
Imlay, Robert A. 1980. “Descartes’ Two Hypotheses of the Evil Genius.” Studia Leibnitiana 12(2): 205–214.
Imlay, Robert A. 1981. “Hume’s of Scepticism with regard to Reason: A Study in Contrasting Themes.” Hume Studies 7(2): 121–136.
Imlay, Robert A. 1982. “Descartes and Indifference.” Studia Leibnitiana 14(1): 87–97.
Imlay, Robert A. 1985. “Descartes, Russell, Hintikka and the Self.” Studia Leibnitiana 17(1): 77–86.
Imlay, Robert A. 1986. “Descartes, Montaigne, Beyssade et le Critère de Vérité.” Studia Leibnitiana 18(1): 52–59.
Imlay, Robert A. 1987. “Descartes et la folie.” Studia Leibnitiana 19(1): 91–97.
Imlay, Robert A. 1988. “Dieu, solipsisme et probabilité dans les Méditations de Descartes.” Studia Leibnitiana 20(1): 80–86.
Imlay, Robert A. 1990. “Descartes und der reale Unterschied zwischen der Seele und dem Körper.” Studia Leibnitiana 22(1): 69–75.
Imlay, Robert A. 1991a. “Skeptizismus und die ewigen Wahrheiten bei Descartes.” Studia Leibnitiana 23(2): 185–194.
Imlay, Robert A. 1991b. “Descartes and Madness.” in René Descartes. Critical Assessments, edited by Georges J. D. Moyal, pp. 88–96. Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers, II. London: Routledge.
Imlay, Robert A. 1992. “Berkeley and Scepticism: A Fatal Dalliance.” Hume Studies 18(2): 501–510.
Imlay, Robert A. 1993. “Descartes und der Traumskeptizismus.” Studia Leibnitiana 25(2): 189–200.
Imlay, Robert A. 1994. “Volonté, indifférence et mauvaise foi: Gassendi contre Descartes.” in Descartes. Objecter et répondre, edited by Jean-Marie Beyssade and Jean-Luc Marion, pp. 337–350. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Imlay, Robert A. 1995. “Berkeley and Action.” in Berkeley’s Metaphysics: Structural, Interpretive, and Critical Essays, edited by Robert G. Muehlmann, pp. 171–182. University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Imlay, Robert A. 1996. “Freedom, the Self and Epistemic Voluntarism in Descartes.” Studia Leibnitiana 28(2): 211–224.
Imlay, Robert A. 1998. “Contingency, Reason and Necessary Goodness in Leibniz.” Studia Leibnitiana 30(2): 194–203.
Imlay, Robert A. 1999. “Leibniz’s Cosmological Argument and the Alleged Reflexivity of Sufficient Reason.” Studia Leibnitiana 31(1): 73–81.
Imlay, Robert A. 2000. “The Skeptical Argument from Error: A Diagnosis and a Refutation.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 60.
Imlay, Robert A. 2001. “Leibniz on Concepts and Ideas – More Dialectico – up to and Including the Discours de métaphysique.” Studia Leibnitiana 33(1): 19–35.
Imlay, Robert A. 2002a. “Leibniz on Freedom of the Will: a Vindication.” Studia Leibnitiana 34(1): 81–90.
Imlay, Robert A. 2002b. “Leibniz, Quine and the Long Sought Thread of Ariadne.” Studia Leibnitiana 34(2): 241–246.
Further References
Gray, Robert. 1976. “A Refutation of Hume’s Theory of Causality.” Hume Studies 2(2): 76–85.