Manuel Gustavo Isaac (isaac-mg)
I am a Research Fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation in the Departement of Philosophy at the University of Zurich (Project number: P4P4PG_199180).
After obtaining my degrees in philosophy (BA, MA), logic (BA, MA), linguistics (MA), and historical epistemology (PhD) at Paris Sorbonne Universities, I have conducted as PI four postdoctoral research projects funded by prestigious fellowships and grants in Amsterdam (ILLC), Barcelona (LOGOS), St Andrews (ARCHÉ), and Zurich.
My work ranges from the history and philosophy of logic and mathematics to metaphilosophy and philosophical methods via the philosophies of language and mind. It has been published in Erkenntnis, Ratio, Philosophia, Inquiry, Synthese, History and Philosophy of Logic, and Logica Universalis, among several other venues.
I am the creator of the Conceptual Engineering YouTube Channel and organize the Conceptual Engineering Online Seminar series since 2020.