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Lorraine Juliano Keller (keller-lj)

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    Keller, Lorraine Juliano. 2013. The Metaphysics of Propositional Constituency.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 43(5–6): 655–678.
    Keller, Lorraine Juliano. 2016. Review of Gould (2014).” The Journal of Analytic Theology 4: 434–439.
    Keller, Lorraine Juliano and Keller, John Adorno. 2013. Compositionality and Structured Propositions.” Thought 2(4): 313–323.

Further References

    Gould, Paul M., ed. 2014. Beyond the Control of God? Six Views on the Problem of God and Abstract Objects. Bloomsbury Studies in Philosophy of Religion. London: Bloomsbury Academic.