Norman Kemp Smith (kempsmith)
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Kemp Smith, Norman. 1902. Studies in the Cartesian Philosophy. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Kemp Smith, Norman. 1905a. “The Naturalism of Hume (I.).” Mind 14(54): 149–173.
Kemp Smith, Norman. 1905b. “The Naturalism of Hume (II.).” Mind 14(55): 335–347.
Kemp Smith, Norman. 1906a. “Avenarius’ Philosophy of Pure Experience (I.).” Mind 15(57): 13–31.
Kemp Smith, Norman. 1906b. “Avenarius’ Philosophy of Pure Experience (II.).” Mind 15(58): 149–160.
Kemp Smith, Norman. 1912. “The Problem of Knowledge.” The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 9(5): 113–128.
Kemp Smith, Norman. 1913. “The Meaning of Kant’s Copernican Analogy.” Mind 22(88): 549–551.
Kemp Smith, Norman. 1918. A Commentary to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. London: MacMillan Publishing Co. Second edition: Kemp Smith (1923a).
Kemp Smith, Norman. 1923a. A Commentary to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. 2nd ed. London: MacMillan Publishing Co. First edition: Kemp Smith (1918).
Kemp Smith, Norman. 1923b. “Whitehead’s Philosophy of Nature.” in University of California Publications in Philosophy. Volume IV, edited by George P. Adams and Jacob Loewenberg, pp. 195–224. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
Kemp Smith, Norman. 1924. Prolegomena to An Idealist Theory of Knowledge. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Kemp Smith, Norman. 1927a. “The Nature of Universals (III).” Mind 36(144): 393–422.
Kemp Smith, Norman. 1927b. “The Nature of Universals (I).” Mind 36(142): 137–157.
Kemp Smith, Norman. 1927c. “The Nature of Universals (II).” Mind 36(143): 265–280.
Kemp Smith, Norman. 1932. “Is Divine Existence Credible?” Proceedings of the British Academy 17: 209–234.
Kemp Smith, Norman. 1941. The Philosophy of David Hume. London: MacMillan Publishing Co., doi:10.1057/9780230511170.
Kemp Smith, Norman. 1952. New Studies in the Philosophy of Descartes. Descartes as Pioneer. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Kemp Smith, Norman. 1962. A Commentary to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. 3rd ed. London: MacMillan Publishing Co. First edition: Kemp Smith (1918).
Kemp Smith, Norman. 1963. New Studies in the Philosophy of Descartes. New York: Russell & Russell.
Kemp Smith, Norman. 2003. A Commentary to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Reprint of Kemp Smith (1923a), with a new introduction by Sebastian Gardner.
Kemp Smith, Norman. 2005. The Philosophy of David Hume. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Republication of Kemp Smith (1941), with an introduction by Don Garrett.
Schmidt, Karl, Laguna, Theodore de, Pitkin, Walter Boughton and Kemp Smith, Norman. 1913. “Agreement in Philosophy.” The Philosophical Review 22(2): 172–178. Reprinted in De Waal (2001, 2: 139–146).
Further References
De Waal, Cornelis, ed. 2001. American New Realism 1910–1920. vol. 2. Bristol: Thoemmes Press.