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Christof Koch (koch-c)

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    Crick, Francis and Koch, Christof. 1990. Toward a Neurobiological Theory of Consciousness.” Seminars in the Neurosciences 2: 263–275.
    Crick, Francis and Koch, Christof. 1992. The Problem of Consciousness.” Scientific American 267(3): 152–160.
    Crick, Francis and Koch, Christof. 1995a. Why Neuroscience May Be Able to Explain Consciousness.” Scientific American 273(6): 84–85. Reprinted in Shear (1997, 237–240).
    Crick, Francis and Koch, Christof. 1995b. Are we Aware of Neural Activity in Primary Visual Cortex? Nature 375(May): 121–123, doi:10.1038/375121a0.
    Crick, Francis and Koch, Christof. 1995c. Cortical Areas in Visual Awareness.” Nature 377(September): 294–295, doi:10.1038/377294a0.
    Crick, Francis and Koch, Christof. 1998. Consciousness and neuroscience.” Cerebral Cortex ??
    Crick, Francis and Koch, Christof. 2000. The Unconscious Homunculus.” in Neural Correlates of Consciousness: Empirical and Conceptual Questions, edited by Thomas Metzinger, pp. 103–110. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Crick, Francis and Koch, Christof. 2007. A Neurobiological Framework for Consciousness.” in The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness, edited by Max Velmans and Susan Schneider, pp. 567–579. Blackwell Philosophy Guides. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Koch, Christof. 1995. Visual Awareness and the Thalamic Intralaminar Nuclei.” Consciousness and Cognition 4(2): 163–166.
    Koch, Christof. 1996. Toward the Neuronal Substrate of Visual Consciousness.” in Toward a Science of Consciousness: The First Tucson Discussions and Debates, edited by Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak, and Alwyn C. Scott. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Koch, Christof. 1998. The Neuroanatomy of Visual Consciousness.” in Consciousness: At the Frontiers of Neuroscience, edited by Herbert H. Jasper, L. Descarries, V. Castellucci, and S. Rossignol. ? Lippincott-Raven.
    Koch, Christof. 2004. The Quest for Consciousness. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Roberts; Company.
    Koch, Christof. 2009. The Neurobiology of Consciousness.” in The Cognitive Neurosciences, 4th ed., pp. 1137–1150. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. First edition: Gazzaniga (1995).
    Koch, Christof and Braun, Jochen. 1996. Toward the Neuronal Correlate of Visual Awareness.” Current Opinion in Neurobiology 6: 158–164.
    Koch, Christof and Crick, Francis. 1994. Some Further Ideas regarding the Neuronal Basis of Awareness.” in Large-Scale Neuronal Theories of the Brain, edited by Christof Koch and J. Davis. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Koch, Christof and Crick, Francis. 2000. Some Thoughts on Consciousness and Neuroscience.” in The New Cognitive Neurosciences, 2nd ed., pp. 1285–1294. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. First edition: Gazzaniga (1995).
    Koch, Christof and Davis, J., eds. 1994. Large-Scale Neuronal Theories of the Brain. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Koch, Christof, Leone, Nicola and Pfeifer, Gerald. 2003. Enhancing Disjunctive Logic Programming Systems by SAT Checkers.” Artificial Intelligence 151(1–2): 177–212.
    Koch, Christof and Ullman, Shimon. 1987. Shifts in Selective Visual Attention: Towards the Underlying Neural Circuitry.” in Matters of Intelligence. Conceptual Strutures in Cognitive Neuroscience, edited by Lucia M. Vaina, pp. 115–142. Synthese Library n. 188. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.

Further References

    Shear, Jonathan, ed. 1997. Explaining Consciousness: The Hard Problem. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.