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Jeff Kochan (kochan-j)

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    Kochan, Jeff. 2006. Feenberg and STS: Counter-Reflections on Bridging the Gap.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 37(4): 702–720.
    Kochan, Jeff. 2009. Popper’s Communitarianism.” in Rethinking Popper, edited by Zuzana Parusniková and Robert S. Cohen, pp. 287–304. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 272. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Kochan, Jeff. 2013. Subjectivity and Emotion in Scientific Research.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 44(3): 354–362.
    Kochan, Jeff. 2015a. Putting a Spin on Circulating Reference, or How to Rediscover the Scientific Subject.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 49: 103–107.
    Kochan, Jeff. 2015b. Objective Styles in Northern Field Science.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 52: 1–12.
    Kochan, Jeff and Schmid, Hans Bernhard. 2012. Philosophy of Science.” in The Routledge Companion to Phenomenology, edited by Sebastian Luft and Søren Overgaard, pp. 461–472. Routledge Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge.