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Ladislav Koreň (koren-l)

Cited in the following articles

Self-Knowledge and Interpersonal Reasoning

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    Beran, Ondřej, Kolman, Vojtěch and Koreň, Ladislav, eds. 2018. From Rules to Meanings. New Essays on Inferentialism. London: Routledge.
    Koreň, Ladislav. 2015. Hinge Commitments vs-à-vis the Transmission Problem.” Synthese 192(8): 2513–2534.
    Koreň, Ladislav. 2023. Have Mercier and Sperber Untied the Knot of Human Reasoning? Inquiry 66(5): 849–862, doi:10.1080/0020174X.2019.1684988.