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Richard E. Korf (korf)

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    Hayes-Roth, Barbara and Korf, Richard E., eds. 1994. AAAI-94. Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
    Korf, Richard E. 1980. Toward a Model of Representation Changes.” Artificial Intelligence 14(1): 41–78.
    Korf, Richard E. 1985a. Depth-First Iterative-Deepening: An Optimal Admissible Tree Search.” Artificial Intelligence 27(1): 97–109.
    Korf, Richard E. 1985b. Macro-Operators: A Weak Method for Learning.” Artificial Intelligence 26(1): 35–77.
    Korf, Richard E. 1987. Planning as Search: A Quantitative Approach.” Artificial Intelligence 33(1): 65–88.
    Korf, Richard E. 1988. Search: A Survey of Recent Results.” in Exploring Artificial Intelligence, edited by Howard E. Shrobe, pp. 197–237. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
    Korf, Richard E. 1990. Real-Time Heuristic Search.” Artificial Intelligence 42(3): 189–211.
    Korf, Richard E. 1991. Multi-Player Alpha-Beta Pruning.” Artificial Intelligence 48(1): 99–111.
    Korf, Richard E. 1993. Linear-Space Best-First Search.” Artificial Intelligence 62(1): 41–78.
    Korf, Richard E. 1998. A Complete Anytime Algorithm for Number Partitioning.” Artificial Intelligence 105(1–2): 133–155.
    Korf, Richard E. 2010. Space Complexity of Combinatorial Search.” in Heuristics, Probability and Causality. A Tribute to Judea Pearl, edited by Rina Dechter, Héctor Geffner, and Joseph Y. Halpern, pp. 53–62. Tributes n. 11. London: King’s College Publications.
    Korf, Richard E. and Felner, Ariel. 2002. Disjoint Pattern Database Heuristics.” Artificial Intelligence 134(1–2).
    Korf, Richard E. and Maxwell, David. 1996. Chickering Best-First Minimax Search.” Artificial Intelligence 84(1–2): 299–337.
    Korf, Richard E., Reid, Michael and Edelkamp, Stefan. 2001. Time Complexity of Iterative-Deepening-\(A^*\).” Artificial Intelligence 129(1–2): 199–218.
    Powley, Curt, Ferguson, Chris and Korf, Richard E. 1993. Depth-First Heuristic Search on a SIMD Machine.” Artificial Intelligence 60(2): 199–242.
    Zhang, Weixiong, Dechter, Rina and Korf, Richard E. 2001. Heuristic Search in Artificial Intelligence.” Artificial Intelligence 129(1–2): 1–4. Introduction to a special issue of Artificial Intelligence.
    Zhang, Weixiong and Korf, Richard E. 1996a. A Study of Complexity Transitions of the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem.” Artificial Intelligence 81(1–2): 223–239.
    Zhang, Weixiong and Korf, Richard E. 1996b. Performance of Linear-Space Search Algorithms.” Artificial Intelligence 79(2): 241–292.