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Marcin Koszowy (koszowy-m)

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    Koszowy, Marcin. 2011a. Argument and Computation. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric n. 23(36). Byałystok: University of Byałystok.
    Koszowy, Marcin. 2011b. Preface: Key Strategies to Address Argument and Computation.” in Argument and Computation, pp. 7–14. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric n. 23(36). Byałystok: University of Byałystok.
    Koszowy, Marcin and Walton, Douglas N. 2017. Profiles of Dialogue for Repairing Faults in Arguments from Expert Opinion.” Logic and Logical Philosophy 26(1): 79–113.
    Reed, Chris and Koszowy, Marcin. 2011. The Development of Argument and Computation and Its Roots in the Lvov-Warsaw School.” in Argument and Computation, pp. 15–38. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric n. 23(36). Byałystok: University of Byałystok.