Taneli Kukkonen (kukkonen-t)
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Kaukua, Jari and Kukkonen, Taneli. 2007. “Sense-Perception and Self-Awareness: Before and After Avicenna.” in Consciousness. From Perception to Reflection in the History of Philosophy, edited by Sara Heinämaa, Vili Lähteenmäki, and Pauliina Remes, pp. 95–122. Dordrecht: Springer.
Knuuttila, Simo and Kukkonen, Taneli. 2011. “Thought Experiments and Indirect Proofs in Averroes, Aquinas, and Buridan.” in Thought Experiments in Methodological and Historical Contexts, edited by Katerina Ierodiakonou and Sophie Roux, pp. 83–100. History of Science and Medicine Library; Medieval and Early Modern Science n. 15. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2000a. “Possible Worlds in the Tahâfut al-tahâfut: Averroes on Plenitude and Possibility.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 38(3): 329–347.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2000b. “Possible Worlds in the Tahāfut al-Falāsifa: Al-Ghazālī on Creation and Contingency.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 38(4): 479–502, doi:10.1353/hph.2005.0033.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2002. “Alternatives to Alternatives: Approaches to Aristotle’s Arguments per impossibile.” Vivarium 40(2): 137–173.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2005. “ ‘The Impossible, insofar as it is possible’: Ibn Rushd and Jean Buridan on Logic and Natural Theology.” in Logik und Theologie. Das Organon im Arabischen und im Lateinischen Mittelalter, edited by Dominik Perler and Ulrich Rudolph, pp. 447–468. Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters n. 84. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2006. “Mind and Modal Judgement: Al-Ghazālī and Ibn Rushd on Conceivability and Possibility.” in Mind and Modality, edited by Vesa Hirvonen, Toivo J. Holopainen, and Miira Tuominen, pp. 121–140. Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History n. 141. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2008a. “No Man Is an Island: Nature and Neo-Platonic Ethics in Ḥayy Ibn Yaqżān.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 46(2): 187–204.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2008b. “The Self as Enemy, the Self as Divine: A Crossroads in the Development of Islamic Anthropology.” in The Cambridge Platonists in Philosophical Context. Politics, Metaphysics and Religion, edited by G. A. John Rogers, Jean-Michel Vienne, and Yves-Charles Zarka, pp. 205–224. Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Idées n. 150. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2010a. “Creation and Causation.” in The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy, volume I, edited by Robert Pasnau and Christina van Dyke, pp. 232–246. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2010b. “Al-Ghazālī on the Signification of Names.” Vivarium 48(1): 55–74.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2010c. “Al-Ghazālī’s Skepticism Revisited.” in Rethinking the History of Skepticism. The Missing Medieval Background, edited by Henrik Lagerlund, pp. 29–60. Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters n. 103. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2012a. “Dividing Being: Before and After Avicenna.” in Categories of Being. Essays on Metaphysics and Logic, edited by Leila Haaparanta and Heikki J. Koskinen, pp. 36–61. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199890576.001.0001.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2012b. “Eternity.” in The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Philosophy, edited by John Marenbon, pp. 525–546. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195379488.001.0001.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2014a. “Ibn Sīnā and the Early History of Thought Experiments.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 52(3): 433–459.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2014b. “On Aristotle’s World.” in Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, volume 46, edited by Brad Inwood, pp. 311–352. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198712923.001.0001.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2015. “Faculties in Arab Philosophy.” in The Faculties. A History, edited by Dominik Perler, pp. 66–96. Oxford Philosophical Concepts. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199935253.001.0001.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2016a. “Sources of the Self in the Arabic Tradition: Remarks on the Avicennian Turn.” in Subjectivity and Selfhood in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy, edited by Jari Kaukua and Tomas Ekenberg, pp. 37–60. Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind n. 16. Cham: Springer.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2016b. “Ibn Ṭufayl’s (d. 1185) Ḥayy ibn Yaqżan.” in The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Philosophy, edited by Khaled El-Rouayheb and Sabine Schmidtke, pp. 233–254. Oxford Handbooks. New York: Oxford University Press.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2018. “Potentiality in Classical Arabic Thought.” in Handbook of Potentiality, edited by Kristina Engelhard and Michael Quante, pp. 95–122. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kukkonen, Taneli. 2020. “Meditating on the Meditations: Al-Ghazālī, Teresa of Ávila, Descartes.” in Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, volume VIII, edited by Robert Pasnau, pp. 111–143. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198865728.001.0001.