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William A. Ladusaw (ladusaw)

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    Chung, Sandra, Ladusaw, William A. and McCloskey, James. 1995. Slicing and Logical Form.” Natural Language Semantics 3(3): 239–282.
    Halvorsen, Per-Kristian and Ladusaw, William A. 1979. Montague’s ‘Universal Grammar’: An Introduction to the Linguist.” Linguistics and Philosophy 3(2): 185–223.
    Ladusaw, William A. 1980. Polarity Sensitivity as Inherent Scope Relations. 310 Lindley Hall, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 46405: Indiana University Linguistics Club.
    Ladusaw, William A. 1983. Logical Form and Conditions on Grammaticality.” Linguistics and Philosophy 6(3): 373–392.
    Ladusaw, William A. 1985. A Proposed Distinction between Levels and Strata.” src–85–04. Santa Cruz, California: Syntax Research Center, Cowell College, University of California at Santa Cruz.
    Ladusaw, William A. 1988. Semantic Theory.” in Linguistic Theory: Foundations, edited by Frederick J. Newmeyer, pp. 89–112. Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey, I. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Ladusaw, William A. 1994. Thetic and Categorial, Stage and Individual, Weak and Strong.” in Proceedings from Semantics and Linguistic Theory, volume 4, edited by Mandy Harvey and Lynn Santelmann, pp. 220–229. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. Available from CLC Publications, Department of Linguistics, Morrill Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-4701.
    Ladusaw, William A. 1996a. Negation and Polarity Items.” in The Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory, edited by Shalom Lappin, pp. 321–341. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Second edition: Lappin and Fox (2015).
    Ladusaw, William A. 1996b. Negative Concord and ‘Mode of Judgement’ .” in Negation: A Notion in Focus, edited by Heinrich Theodor Wansing, pp. 127–144. Perspektiven der analytischen Philosophie / Perspectives in Analytic Philosophy n. 7. Berlin: de Gruyter.
    Ladusaw, William A. and Dowty, David R. 1988. Toward a Nongrammatical Account of Thematic Roles.” in Syntax and Semantics 21: Thematic Relations, edited by Wendy W. Wilkins, pp. 61–73. New York: Academic Press.