John Laird (laird-j)
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Laird, John. 1916. “Berkeley’s Realism.” Mind 25(99): 308–328.
Laird, John. 1917. “Recollection, Association and Memory.” Mind 26(104): 407–427.
Laird, John. 1921. “The Character of Cognitive Acts.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 21: 123–131.
Laird, John. 1923. “Mental Process and the Conscious Quality.” Mind 32(127): 273–288.
Laird, John. 1924a. “How Our Minds Go Beyond Themselves in Their Knowing.” in Contemporary British Philosophy. Personal Statements, volume 20, edited by J. H. Muirhead, pp. 213–230. London: George Allen & Unwin.
Laird, John. 1924b. “The Character of Metaphysical Inquiry.” in University of California Publications in Philosophy. Volume IV, edited by George P. Adams and Jacob Loewenberg, pp. 1–24. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
Laird, John. 1924c. “The ‘Legend’ of Arnauld’s Realism.” Mind 33(130): 176–179.
Laird, John. 1925. “The Nature of Ideas.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 25: 247–266.
Laird, John. 1927. “Of ‘Right’ and ‘Good’ and of Mr. Ross’s Views [on Ross (1927)].” International Journal of Ethics 37(4): 337–348.
Laird, John. 1929a. “Realism and Modern Physics.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 9: 112–125.
Laird, John. 1929b. “Concerning Right.” Mind 38(151): 273–292.
Laird, John. 1931. “Is the Distinction between Moral Rightness and Wrongness Ultimate?” in Proceedings of the Seventh International congress of philosophy, held at Oxford, England, September 1-6, 1930, edited by Gilbert Ryle, pp. 302–306. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by the Institut International de Philosophie.
Laird, John. 1932a. Hume’s Philosophy of Human Nature. London: Methuen & Co.
Laird, John. 1932b. “The Obsequies of Realism.” Philosophy 7(26): 201–214.
Laird, John. 1934. “ ‘It All Depends upon the Purpose…’ .” Analysis 1(4): 49–52.
Laird, John. 1936. “Memory-Knowledge.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 15: 34–41.
Laird, John. 1939. “Positivism, Empiricism, and Metaphysics.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 39: 207–224.
Laird, John. 1941. “Other People’s Pleasures and One’s Own: An Ethical Discussion.” Philosophy 16(61): 39–55.
Laird, John. 1944. “On Certain of Russell’s View Concerning the Human Mind.” in The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, pp. 295–316. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 5. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
Laird, John. 1948. “Reflections Occasioned by Ideals and Illusions.” in Philosophical Studies. Essays in Memory of L. Susan Stebbing, pp. 20–30. London: George Allen & Unwin.
Further References
Brightman, Edgar Sheffield, ed. 1927. Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Philosophy. London: Longmans, Green & Co.
Ross, William David. 1927. “The Basis of Objective Judgments in Ethics.” International Journal of Ethics 37(2): 113–127. Abbreviated version in Brightman (1927, 401–408).