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Fred Landman (landman-f)

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    Grosu, Alexander and Landman, Fred. 1998. Strange Relatives of the Third Kind.” Natural Language Semantics 6(2): 125–170.
    Kadmon, Nirit and Landman, Fred. 1993. Any.” Linguistics and Philosophy 16(4): 353–422.
    Landman, Fred. 1981. A Note on the Projection Problem.” Linguistic Inquiry 12: 467–471.
    Landman, Fred. 1984. Data Semantics for Attitude Reports.” Logique et Analyse 27(106): 165–192. Reprinted in Landman and Veltman (1984, 193–218).
    Landman, Fred. 1985. The Realist Theory of Meaning.” Linguistics and Philosophy 8(1): 35–51.
    Landman, Fred. 1986a. Pegs and Alecs.” in TARK 1986. Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge: Proceedings of the First Conference, edited by Joseph Y. Halpern, pp. 45–61. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
    Landman, Fred. 1986b. Towards a Theory of Information: The Status of Partial Objects in Semantics. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.
    Landman, Fred. 1989a. Groups, I.” Linguistics and Philosophy 12(5): 559–605.
    Landman, Fred. 1989b. Groups, II.” Linguistics and Philosophy 12(6): 723–744.
    Landman, Fred. 1990. Partial Information, Modality, and Intentionality.” in Information, Language and Cognition, edited by Philip P. Hanson. Vancouver Studies in Cognitive Science n. 1. Vancouver, British Columbia: University of British Columbia Press.
    Landman, Fred. 1991. Structures for Semantics. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy n. 45. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Landman, Fred. 1992. The Progressive.” Natural Language Semantics 1(1): 1–32, doi:10.1007/BF02342615.
    Landman, Fred. 1996. Plurality.” in The Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory, edited by Shalom Lappin, pp. 425–457. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Second edition: Lappin and Fox (2015).
    Landman, Fred. 1998. Plurals and Maximalization.” in Events and Grammar, edited by Susan D. Rothstein, pp. 237–272. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy n. 70. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Landman, Fred. 2000. Events and Plurality: The Jerusalem Lectures. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy n. 76. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Landman, Fred. 2004. Indefinites and the Type of Sets. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Landman, Fred. 2010. Internal and Interval Semantics for CP-Comparatives.” in Logic, Language and Meaning. 17th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 16-18, 2009. Revised Selected Papers, edited by Maria Aloni, Harald Andreas Bastiaanse, Tikitu de Jager, and Katrin Schulz, pp. 133–142. Berlin: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-14287-1.
    Landman, Fred and Moerdijk, Ieke. 1983. Compositionality and the Analysis of Anaphora.” Linguistics and Philosophy 6(1): 89–115.
    Landman, Fred and Rothstein, Susan D. 2010. Incremental Homogeneity and the Semantics of Aspectual for-Phrases.” in Lexical Semantics, Syntax, and Event Structure, edited by Malka Rappaport Hovav, Edit Doron, and Ivy Sichel, pp. 229–251. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Landman, Fred and Veltman, Frank, eds. 1984. Varieties of Formal Semantics. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.