Simon Langford (langford-s)
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Daly, Christopher John and Langford, Simon. 2010. “Two Anti-Platonist Strategies.” Mind 119(476): 1107–1116.
Langford, Simon. 2005. “Three-Dimensionalism and Counterpart Theory [on Stone (2005)].” Analysis 65(4): 321–325.
Langford, Simon. 2007. “How to Defend the Cohabitation Theory.” The Philosophical Quarterly 57(227): 212–224.
Langford, Simon. 2010. “Reply to Roache (2009).” Analysis 70(4): 676–681.
Langford, Simon. 2014a. “Is Personal Identity Analysable?” Acta Analytica 29(3): 285–307.
Langford, Simon. 2014b. “On What We Are and How We Persist.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 95(3): 356–371, doi:10.1111/papq.12035.
Langford, Simon. 2017. “A Defence of Anti-Criterialism.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47(5): 613–630.
Langford, Simon and Ramachandran, Murali. 2000. “Rigidity, Occasional Identity and Leibniz’ Law.” The Philosophical Quarterly 50.
Langford, Simon and Ramachandran, Murali. 2011. “Occasional Identity: A Tale of Two Approaches.” Analytic Philosophy 52(3): 175–187.
Langford, Simon and Ramachandran, Murali. 2013. “The Products of Fission, Fusion, and Teletransportation: an Occasional Identity Theorist’s Perspective.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91(1): 105–117.