Ariela Lazar (lazar-a)
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Lazar, Ariela. 1998. “Division and Deception: Davidson on Being Self-Deceived.” in Self-Deception and Paradoxes of Rationality, edited by Jean-Pierre Dupuy, pp. 19–36. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
Lazar, Ariela. 1999. “Akrasia and the Principle of Continence or What the Tortoise Would Say to Achilles.” in The Philosophy of Donald Davidson, edited by Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 381–401. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 27. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
Lazar, Ariela. 2000. “Akrasia and the Principle of Continence, or What the Tortoise Would Have Said to Achilles.” in Reasoning Practically, edited by Edna Ullmann-Margalit, pp. 41–57. New York: Oxford University Press. Republication of Lazar (1999).