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Samuel R. Lebens (lebens)

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Philosophers' Imprint

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Quo Vadis, Metaphysics of Relations?

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    Goldschmidt, Tyron Craig and Lebens, Samuel R. 2017. An Advertisement of a Promise: God and the Hyper-past.” The Journal of Analytic Theology 5: 629–636.
    Lebens, Samuel R. 2009. A Substantive Non-Solution to the Problem of Unity.” Baltic International Yearbook of Logic, Cognition and Communication 4.
    Lebens, Samuel R. 2013. The Epistemology of Religiosity: An Orthodox Jewish Perspective.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 74(3): 315–332.
    Lebens, Samuel R. 2014a. Hebrew Philosophy or Jewish Theology? A False Dichotomy.” The Journal of Analytic Theology 2: 250–260.
    Lebens, Samuel R. 2014b. Why so Negative about Negative Theology? The Search for a Plantinga-Proof Apophaticism.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 76(3): 259–275.
    Lebens, Samuel R. 2015. Would This Paper Exist if I Hadn’t Written It? Philosophical Studies 172(11): 3059–3080.
    Lebens, Samuel R. 2017a. Bertrand Russell and the Nature of Propositions. A History and Defence of the Multiple Relation Theory of Judgement. New York: Routledge, doi:10.4324/9781315185361.
    Lebens, Samuel R. 2017b. The Life of Faith as a Work of Art: A Rabbinic Theology of Faith.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 81(1-2): 61–81.
    Lebens, Samuel R. 2017c. Hassidic Idealism: Kurt Vonnegut and the Creator of the Universe.” in Idealism. New Essays in Metaphysics, edited by Tyron Craig Goldschmidt and Kenneth L. Pearce, pp. 158–177. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198746973.001.0001.
    Lebens, Samuel R. 2017d. Russell and Bradley: Revisiting the Creation Narrative of Analytic Philosophy.” Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 5(7).
    Lebens, Samuel R. 2017e. The Ashes of Isaac and the Nature of Jewish Philosophy.” The Journal of Analytic Theology 5: 500–514.
    Lebens, Samuel R. 2020. The Principles of Judaism. Oxford Studies in Analytic Theology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Lebens, Samuel R. and Goldschmidt, Tyron Craig. 2017. The Promise of a New Past.” Philosophers' imprint 17(18).