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Adam Leite (leite)

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    Abramson, Kate and Leite, Adam. 2011. Love as a Reactive Emotion.” The Philosophical Quarterly 61(245): 673–699.
    Abramson, Kate and Leite, Adam. 2014. Self-Hatred, Self-Love, and Value.” in Love and Its Objects. What Can We Care For?, edited by Christian Maurer, Tony Milligan, and Kamila Pacovská, pp. 75–90. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Leite, Adam. 2004a. On Justifying and Being Justified.” in Philosophical Issues 14: Epistemology, edited by Ernest Sosa and Enrique Villanueva, pp. 219–253. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Leite, Adam. 2004b. Skepticism, Sensitivity, and Closure, or Why the Closure Principle is Irrelevant to External World Skepticism.” Croatian Journal of Philosophy 4(3): 335–350.
    Leite, Adam. 2005a. On Williamson’s Arguments That Knowledge Is a Mental State.” Ratio 18(2): 165–175.
    Leite, Adam. 2005b. Epistemological Externalism and the Project of Traditional Epistemology.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 70(3): 505–533.
    Leite, Adam. 2005c. Some Worries for Would-be WAMers.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 69: 101–126. “Epistemological Contextualism,” ed. by Martijn Blaauw.
    Leite, Adam. 2006. Epistemic Gradualism and Ordinary Epistemic Practice: Responce to Hetherington (2006).” Philosophia 34(3): 311–324.
    Leite, Adam. 2007a. How to Link Assertion and Knowledge without Going Contextualist: A Reply to Derose’s ‘Assertion, Knowledge, and Context’ .” Philosophical Studies 134(2): 111–129.
    Leite, Adam. 2007b. Epistemic Instrumentalism and Reasons for Belief: A Reply to Tom Kelly’s ‘Epistemic Rationality as Instrumental Rationality: A Critique’ .” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 75(2): 456–464.
    Leite, Adam. 2008. Believing One’s Reasons are Good.” Synthese 161(3): 419–441.
    Leite, Adam. 2010. How to Take Skepticism Seriously.” Philosophical Studies 148(1): 39–60.
    Leite, Adam. 2011. Immediate Warrant, Epistemic Responsibility, and Moorean Dogmatism.” in Reasons for Belief, edited by Andrew Reisner and Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen, pp. 158–179. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Leite, Adam. 2013. ‘But That’s Not Evidence; it’s Not Even True!’ .” The Philosophical Quarterly 63(250): 81–104.
    Leite, Adam. 2019. Skepticism and Epistemic Asymmetry.” in Philosophical Issues 29: Epistemology, edited by Lisa Miracchi, pp. 184–197. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc., doi:10.1111/phis.12147.

Further References

    Hetherington, Stephen Cade. 2006. Scepticism and Ordinary Epistemic Practice.” Philosophia 34(3): 303–310.