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Benjamin Lennertz (lennertz)

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    Gray, David Miguel and Lennertz, Benjamin. 2020. Linguistic Disobedience.” Philosophers' imprint 20(21).
    Lennertz, Benjamin. 2014a. Taking ‘Might’-Communication Seriously.” Analytic Philosophy 55(2): 176–198.
    Lennertz, Benjamin. 2014b. Simple Contextualism about Epistemic Modals Is Incorrect.” Thought 3(4): 252–262.
    Lennertz, Benjamin. 2015. Quantificational Credences.” Philosophers' imprint 15(9).
    Lennertz, Benjamin. 2017a. A Dutch Book Theorem for Quantificational Credences.” Ergo 4(2): 27–59.
    Lennertz, Benjamin. 2017b. Probabilistic Consistency Norms and Quantificational Credences.” Synthese 194(6): 2101–2119.
    Lennertz, Benjamin. 2022. Imprecise Credences and Acceptance.” Ergo 9(8): 200–229, doi:10.3998/ergo.2264.