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M.-P. Lerner (lerner-mp)

Cited in the following articles

Boghossian, Bellarmine, and Galileo

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    Lerner, M.-P. 1976. Campanella, juge d’Aristote.” in Platon et Aristote à la Renaissance. XVIe Colloque International de Tours, edited by Jean-Claude Margolin, pp. 335–358. Paris: Librairie philosophique Jean Vrin.
    Lerner, M.-P. 2005. The Heliocentric ‘Heresy’: From Suspicion to Condemnation.” in The Church and Galileo, edited by Ernan McMullin, pp. 88–116. Studies in Science and the Humanities from the Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.