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Clarence Irving Lewis (lewis-ci)

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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

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    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1912. Implication and the Algebra of Logic.” Mind 21(84): 522–531.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1913a. Realism and Subjectivism.” The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 10(2): 43–49. Reprinted in De Waal (2001, 2: 115–122).
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1913b. Interesting Theorems in Symbolic Logic.” The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 10(9): 239–242.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1913c. A New Algebra of Implications and Some Consequences.” The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 10(16): 428–438.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1914a. The Calculus of Strict Implication.” Mind 23(90): 240–247.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1914b. The Matrix Algebra for Implications.” The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 11(22): 589–600.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1915. A Too Brief Set of Postulates for the Algebra of Logic.” The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 12(19): 523–525.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1917. The Issues Concerning Material Implication.” The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 14(13): 350–356.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1918. Survey of Symbolic Logic. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1920. Strict Implication – an Emendation.” The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 17(11): 300–302.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1921. The Structure of Logic and Its Relation to Other Systems.” The Journal of Philosophy 18(19): 505–516.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1922. La Logique de la Méthode Mathématique.” Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 29(4): 455–474.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1923a. A Pragmatic Conception of the A Priori.” The Journal of Philosophy 20(7): 169–177. Reprinted in Feigl and Sellars (1949, 286–294).
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1923b. Facts, Systems, and the Unity of the World.” The Journal of Philosophy 20(6): 141–151.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1926. Review of Smart (1925).” The Journal of Philosophy 23(8): 220–222.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1929a. Mind and the World-Order: Outline of a Theory of Knowledge. New York: Charles Scribner & Sons.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1929b. The Pragmatic Element in Knowledge.” in University of California Publications in Philosophy. Volume VI, 1924–1929, edited by Philosophical Union of the University of California, pp. 205–228. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1930. Pragmatism and Current Thought.” The Journal of Philosophy 27(9): 238–246.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1932. Alternative Systems of Logic.” The Monist 42(4): 481–507.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1933. Note Concerning Many-Valued Logical Systems.” The Journal of Philosophy 30(14): 364.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1934a. Experience and Meaning.” The Philosophical Review 43(2): 125–146. Reprinted in Feigl and Sellars (1949, 128–145).
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1934b. Paul Weiss on Alternative Logics.” The Philosophical Review 43(1): 70–74.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1941a. Some Logical Considerations Concerning the Mental.” The Journal of Philosophy 38(9): 225–233. Reprinted in Feigl and Sellars (1949, 385–392).
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1941b. The Categories of Natural Knowledge.” in The Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, pp. 701–701. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 3. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1943. The Modes of Meaning.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4(2): 236–249. Reprinted in Linsky (1952, 50–63) and in Lewis (1970, 303–316).
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1946. An Analysis of Knowledge and Valuation. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1948. Professor Chisholm and Empiricism [reply to Chisholm (1948)].” The Journal of Philosophy 45(19): 517–524. Reprinted in Swartz (1965, 355–363).
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1951. Notes on the Logic of Intension.” in Structure, Method, and Meaning: Essays in Honor of Henry M. Scheffer, edited by Paul Henle, Horace M. Kallen, and Susanne K. Langer, pp. 25–34. New York: The Liberal Arts Press.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1952. The Given Element in Empirical Knowledge.” The Philosophical Review 61: 168–175.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1955a. The Ground and Nature of the Right. New York: Columbia University Press.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1955b. Realism or Phenomenalism? The Philosophical Review 64(2): 233–247.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1957. Our Social Inheritance. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1968a. Values and Imperatives (Studies in Ethics by C.I. Lewis). Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Edited and with an introduction by John Lange.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1968b. Autobiography.” in The Philosophy of C.I. Lewis, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, pp. 1–21. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 13. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1968c. Replies to My Critics.” in The Philosophy of C.I. Lewis, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, pp. 653–675. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 13. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving. 1970. Collected Papers of Clarence Irving Lewis. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Edited by J.D. Goheen and J.L. Mothershead.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving and Langford, Cooper Harold. 1932. Symbolic Logic. New York: The Appleton-Century Company.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving and Langford, Cooper Harold. 1959. Symbolic Logic. 2nd ed. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications.
    Lewis, Clarence Irving and Langford, Cooper Harold. 2014. A Note on Strict Implication (1935).” History and Philosophy of Logic 35(1): 44–49.

Further References

    Chisholm, Roderick M. 1948. The Problem of Empiricism.” The Journal of Philosophy 45(19): 512–517. Reprinted in Swartz (1965, 347–354).
    De Waal, Cornelis, ed. 2001. American New Realism 1910–1920. vol. 2. Bristol: Thoemmes Press.
    Feigl, Herbert and Sellars, Wilfrid, eds. 1949. Readings in Philosophical Analysis. New York: Appleton Century Crofts.
    Linsky, Leonard, ed. 1952. Semantics and the Philosophy of Language. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press.
    Smart, Harold R. 1925. The Philosophical Presuppositions of Mathematical Logic. Cornell Studies in Philosophy n. 17. London: Longmans, Green & Co.
    Swartz, Robert J. 1965. Introduction.” in Perceiving, Sensing, and Knowing, edited by Robert J. Swartz, pp. xi–xxii. Garden City, New York: Anchor Books.