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Jimmy Alfonso Licon (licon)

Cité.e dans les articles suivants

Should we Hope Apparent Atrocities Are Illusory?


    Licon, Jimmy Alfonso. 2011. No Suicide for Presentists. A Response to Hales (2010).” Logos & Episteme 2(3): 455–464.
    Licon, Jimmy Alfonso. 2013. On Merely Modal Epistemic Peers: Challenging the Equal-Weight View.” Philosophia 41(3): 809–823.
    Licon, Jimmy Alfonso. 2015. The Fine-Tuning Argument and the Problem of Poor Design.” Philosophia 43(2): 411–426.
    Licon, Jimmy Alfonso. 2021. Aspirational Theism and Gratuitous Suffering.” Religious Studies 57(2): 287–300, doi:10.1017/s0034412519000210.
    Licon, Jimmy Alfonso. 2023. Should we Hope Apparent Atrocities Are Illusory? Exploring a Puzzle in Moral Axiology.” Dialectica 77(2), doi:10.48106/dial.v77.i2.04.

Further References

    Hales, Steven D. 2010. No Time Travel for Presentists.” Logos & Episteme 1(2): 353–360.