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Dan Lloyd (lloyd-d)

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    Arstila, Valtteri and Lloyd, Dan, eds. 2014. Subjective Time. The Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience of Temporality. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Lloyd, Dan. 1987. Mental Representation from the Bottom Up.” Synthese 70: 23–78.
    Lloyd, Dan. 1989a. Simple Minds. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Lloyd, Dan. 1989b. Parallel Distributed Processing and Cognition: Only Connect? in Simple Minds. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Lloyd, Dan. 1991. Leaping to Conclusions: Connectionism, Consciousness, and the Computational Mind.” in Connectionism and the Philosophy of Mind, edited by Terence E. Horgan and John L. Tienson, pp. 444–459. Studies in Cognitive Systems n. 9. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Lloyd, Dan. 1995. Consciousness: A Connectionist Manifesto.” Minds and Machines 5: 161–185.
    Lloyd, Dan. 1996. Consciousness, Connectionism, and Cognitive Neuroscience: A Meeting of the Minds.” Philosophical Psychology 9: 61–78.
    Lloyd, Dan. 1997. Consciousness and Its Discontents.” Communication and Cognition 30: 273–284.
    Lloyd, Dan. 2000. Popping the Thought Balloon.” in Dennett’s Philosophy: A Comprehensive Assessment, edited by Don Ross, Andrew Brook, and David L. Thompson, pp. 169–200. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Lloyd, Dan. 2003. Radiant Cool. A Novel Theory of Consciousness. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.