Neil A. Manson (manson-na)
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Manson, Neil A. 2000a. “State Consciousness and Creature Consciousness: A Real Distinction.” Philosophical Psychology 13: 405–410.
Manson, Neil A. 2000b. “There is no Adequate Definition of ‘Fine-tuned for Life’ .” Inquiry 43(3): 341–351.
Manson, Neil A. 2002. “Consciousness-Dependence and the Explanatory Gap.” Inquiry 45(4): 521–540.
Manson, Neil A., ed. 2003a. God and Design: The Teleological Argument and Modern Science. London: Routledge.
Manson, Neil A. 2003b. “Freud’s Own Blend: Functional Analysis, Idiographic Explanation, and the Extension of Ordinary Psychology.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 103: 179–195.
Manson, Neil A. 2003c. “Introduction.” in God and Design: The Teleological Argument and Modern Science, edited by Neil A. Manson, pp. 1–23. London: Routledge.
Manson, Neil A. 2004. “Reason Explanation a First-Order Rationalizing Account.” Philosophical Explorations: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Mind and Action 7(2): 113–129.
Manson, Neil A. 2005a. “Review of Ganssle and Woodruff (2002).” Philosophical Books 46(1): 66–70.
Manson, Neil A. 2005b. “Consciousness-Dependence, and the Conscious/Unconscious Contrast [on Campbell (2002)].” Philosophical Studies 126(1): 115–129.
Manson, Neil A. 2007. “Contemporary Naturalism and the Concept of Consciousness.” in Consciousness. From Perception to Reflection in the History of Philosophy, edited by Sara Heinämaa, Vili Lähteenmäki, and Pauliina Remes, pp. 287–310. Dordrecht: Springer.
Manson, Neil A. 2008. “Review of Bourne (2006).” Philosophical Books 49(1): 65–67.
Manson, Neil A. 2009. “The Fine-Tuning Argument.” Philosophy Compass 4(1): 271–286.
Manson, Neil A. 2011. “Why ‘Consciousness’ Means What It Does.” Metaphilosophy 42(1–2): 98–117.
Manson, Neil A. 2013. “The Design Argument and Natural Theology.” in The Oxford Handbook of Natural Theology, edited by Russell Re Manning, pp. 295–309. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Manson, Neil A. 2015. “Religion and Metaphysical Naturalism.” in The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy of Religion, edited by Graham Oppy, pp. 416–433. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Manson, Neil A. 2021. This is Philosophy of Religion. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.
Manson, Neil A. 2022. “Cosmic Fine-Tuning, the Multiverse Hypothesis, and the Inverse Gambler’s Fallacy.” Philosophy Compass 17(9), doi:10.1111/phc3.12873.
Manson, Neil A. 2023. “Teaching & Learning Guide for: Cosmic Fine-Tuning, the Multiverse Hypothesis, and the Inverse Gambler’s Fallacy.” Philosophy Compass 18(3), doi:10.1111/phc3.12906.
Further References
Bourne, Craig. 2006. A Future for Presentism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199212804.001.0001.
Campbell, John A. 2002. Reference and Consciousness. Oxford Cognitive Science Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/0199243816.001.0001.
Ganssle, Gregory E. and Woodruff, David M., eds. 2002. God and Time. Essays on the Divine Nature. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195129656.001.0001.