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Neil McKinnon (mckinnon-n)

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    McKinnon, Neil. 2002a. The Endurance/Perdurance Distinction.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 80(3): 288–306.
    McKinnon, Neil. 2002b. Supervaluations and the Problem of the Many.” The Philosophical Quarterly 52(208): 320–339.
    McKinnon, Neil. 2002c. Passage, Persistence and Precision.” PhD dissertation, Melbourne: Philosophy Department, Monash University.
    McKinnon, Neil. 2003a. Vague Simples.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 84: 394–397.
    McKinnon, Neil. 2003b. Presentism and the Problem of Consciousness.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81(3): 305–323.
    McKinnon, Neil. 2008. A New Problem of the Many.” The Philosophical Quarterly 58(230): 80–97.
    McKinnon, Neil. 2013. Characterizing Presentism.” in New Papers on the Present. Focus on Presentism, edited by Roberto Ciuni, Kristie Miller, and Giuliano Torrengo, pp. 13–30. Basic Philosophical Concepts. München: Philosophia Verlag, doi:10.2307/j.ctv2nrzh22.
    McKinnon, Neil and Bigelow, John C. 2001. Parfit, Causation and Survival.” Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel 28(1–4): 467–476.
    McKinnon, Neil and Bigelow, John C. 2012. Presentism, and Speaking of the Dead.” Philosophical Studies 160(2): 253–263.