Louise McNally (mcnally-l)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Boleda, Gemma, Evert, Stefan, Gehrke, Berit and McNally, Louise. 2012. “Adjectives as Saturators vs. Modifiers: Statistical Evidence.” in Logic, Language and Meaning. 18th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 2011. Revised Selected Papers, edited by Maria Aloni, Vadim Kimmelman, Florian Roelofsen, Galit W. Sassoon, Katrin Schulz, and Matthijs Westera, pp. 112–121. Berlin: Springer.
Cullicover, Peter W. and McNally, Louise, eds. 1997. The Limits of Syntax. New York: Academic Press.
Demonte, Violeta and McNally, Louise, eds. 2012a. Telicity, Change, and State: A Cross-Categorial View of Event Structure. Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Demonte, Violeta and McNally, Louise. 2012b. “Introduction.” in Telicity, Change, and State: A Cross-Categorial View of Event Structure, edited by Violeta Demonte and Louise McNally, pp. 1–22. Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fábregas, Antonio, Marı́n, Rafael and McNally, Louise. 2012. “From Psych Verbs to Nouns.” in Telicity, Change, and State: A Cross-Categorial View of Event Structure, edited by Violeta Demonte and Louise McNally, pp. 162–184. Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kennedy, Christopher and McNally, Louise. 2005. “Scale Structure, Degree Modification, and the Semantics of Gradable Predicates.” Language 81(2): 345–381, doi:10.1353/lan.2005.0071.
Kennedy, Christopher and McNally, Louise. 2010. “Color, Context, and Compositionality.” Synthese 174(1): 79–98.
McNally, Louise. 1998a. “Existential Sentences with Existential Quantification.” Linguistics and Philosophy 21(4): 353–392.
McNally, Louise. 1998b. “On Recent Formal Analyses of Topic.” in The Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation: Selected Papers, edited by Jonathan Ginzburg, Zurab Khasidashvili, Carl Vogel, Jean-Jaques Lévy, and Enric Vallduvı́, pp. 147–160. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
McNally, Louise. 1998c. “Stativity and Theticity.” in Events and Grammar, edited by Susan D. Rothstein, pp. 293–308. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy n. 70. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
McNally, Louise. 1999. “Review of Szabolcsi (1997).” Linguistics and Philosophy 22(5): 563–571.
McNally, Louise. 2011a. “Existential Sentences.” in Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning. Volume 2, edited by Klaus von Heusinger, Claudia Maienborn, and Paul H. Portner, pp. 1829–1848. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science n. 33.2. Berlin: de Gruyter Monton, doi:10.1515/9783110255072.1829.
McNally, Louise. 2011b. “The Relative Role of Property Type and Scale Structure in Explaining the Behavior of Gradable Adjectives.” in Vagueness in Communication. International Workshop, ViC 2009, held as part of ESSLLI 2009, Bordeaux, France, July 2009. Revised Selected Papers, edited by Rick W. F. Nouwen, Robert van Rooij, Uli Sauerland, and Hans-Christian Schmitz, pp. 151–168. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence n. 6517. Berlin: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-18446-8_9.
McNally, Louise and Kennedy, Christopher, eds. 2008. Adjectives and Adverbs. Syntax, Semantics, and Discourse. Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics n. 19. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
McNally, Louise and Stojanović, Isidora. 2017. “Aesthetic Adjectives.” in Semantics of Aesthetic Judgements, edited by James O. Young, pp. 17–37. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198714590.001.0001.
Further References
Szabolcsi, Anna, ed. 1997. Ways of Scope Taking. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy n. 65. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.