Uwe Meixner (meixner)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Corradini, Antonella and Meixner, Uwe, eds. 2014. Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind. New Essays on the Mind-Body Relation in Quantum-Theoretical Perspective. Philosophische Analyse / Philosophical Analysis n. 56. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Meixner, Uwe. 1987. “Eine Alternative Semantische Grundlegung der Epistemischen Logik.” in Proceedings of the 11th International Wittgenstein Symposium: Logic, Philosophy of Science, and Epistemology, edited by Paul Weingartner and Gerhard Schurz, pp. 100–102. Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft n. 13. Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.
Meixner, Uwe. 1988. “Begriffe des Bewirkens.” in Reports of the 12th International Wittgenstein Symposium: Law – Politics – Society, edited by Ota Weinberger, Peter Koller, and Alfred Schramm, pp. 183–186. Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft n. 16. Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.
Meixner, Uwe. 1989. “Descartes’ Argument für den psycho-physischen Dualismus im Lichte der modal-epistemischen Logik.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 35: 83–101.
Meixner, Uwe. 1991. “Universals.” in Handbook of Metaphysics and Ontology, edited by Hans Burkhardt and Barry Smith. Analytica: Investigations in Logic, Ontology, and the Philosophy of Language n. 2. München: Philosophia Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe. 1992a. “An Alternative Semantics for Modal Predicate Logic.” Erkenntnis 37: 377–400.
Meixner, Uwe. 1992b. “On Negative and Disjunctive Properties.” in Language, Truth and Ontology, edited by Kevin Mulligan, pp. 28–36. Philosophical Studies Series n. 51. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
Meixner, Uwe. 1992c. “Eine logische Rekonstruktion der platonischen Prädikationstheorie.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 43: 163–175.
Meixner, Uwe. 1993. “Erwin Tegtmeier: Grundzüge einer kategorialen Ontologie (Book Review).” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 41(2): 416–419.
Meixner, Uwe. 1994a. “Parmenides und die Logik der Existenz.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 47: 59–75.
Meixner, Uwe. 1994b. “Events and Their Reality.” Logic and Logical Philosophy 2: 23–33. Special issue on Ontologic, Essays in Formal Ontology, ed. by Uwe Scheffler and Max Urchs.
Meixner, Uwe. 1994c. “Abstraktion und Universalie bei Thomas von Aquin.” Philosophisches Jahrbuch der Görres-Gesellschaft, 22–37.
Meixner, Uwe. 1994d. “Propensity Theory of Causality.” in Logic and Causal Reasoning, edited by Jan Faye, Uwe Scheffler, and Max Urchs, pp. 55–66. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe. 1994e. “Nichttarskische Semantik der modalen Aussagenlogik.” in Analyomen 1: Proceedings of the 1st Conference “Perspectives in Analytical Philosophy” , edited by Georg Meggle and Ulla Wessels, pp. 98–102. Perspektiven der analytischen Philosophie / Perspectives in Analytic Philosophy n. 1. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Meixner, Uwe. 1995. “Die Vielfalt der Existenzbegriffe und der genuine Possibilismus.” in Metaphysik. Neue Zugänge zu alten Fragen, edited by Johannes L. Brandl, Alexander Hieke, and Peter M. Simons, pp. 213–223. Conceptus-Studien n. 11. Sankt Augustin b. Bonn: Academia Verlag. Proceedings of the 3rd congress of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Philosophie, Salzburg 1994.
Meixner, Uwe. 1997a. Axiomatic Formal Ontology. Synthese Library n. 264. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Meixner, Uwe. 1997b. Ereignis und Substanz. Die Metaphysik von Realität und Realisation. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
Meixner, Uwe. 1997c. “The Bases-Theory of Conditionals.” in Logica ’96: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium, edited by Timothy Childers, Petr Kolář, and Vladimı́r Svoboda, pp. 54–74. Praha: Filosofia. Nakladetelstvı́ Filosofického ústavu AV ČR.
Meixner, Uwe. 1997d. “The Objectivity of Time-Flux and the Direction of Time.” in Perspectives on Time, edited by Jan Faye, Uwe Scheffler, and Max Urchs, pp. 107–118. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 189. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Meixner, Uwe. 1997e. “Ontologically Minimal Semantics for Intuitionistic Logic.” in Analyomen 2. Volume I: Logic, Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, edited by Georg Meggle, pp. 124–130. Perspektiven der analytischen Philosophie / Perspectives in Analytic Philosophy n. 16. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Meixner, Uwe. 1997f. “It is NOW.” in Das weite Spektrum der analytischen Philosophie – Festschrift für Franz von Kutschera, edited by Wolfgang Lenzen, pp. 193–202. Perspektiven der analytischen Philosophie / Perspectives in Analytic Philosophy n. 14. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Meixner, Uwe. 1998a. “Actual Existence, Identity, and Ontological Priority.” Erkenntnis 48: 209–231.
Meixner, Uwe. 1998b. “Negative Theology, coincidentia oppositorum, and Boolean Algebra.” in Philosophiegeschichte im Überblick, edited by Albert Newen and Uwe Meixner, pp. 75–90. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 1. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
Meixner, Uwe. 1998c. “Explicit Modal Logic.” in The Logica Yearbook 1997, edited by Timothy Childers, pp. 165–174. Praha: Filosofia. Nakladetelstvı́ Filosofického ústavu AV ČR.
Meixner, Uwe. 1999. “Die Zentralität der analytischen Methode für die Philosophie, inbesondere die der Antike.” in Antike Philosophie, edited by Uwe Meixner and Albert Newen, pp. 25–36. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 2. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe. 2000a. “Ein ontologischer Rahmen für Möglichkeit, Notwendigkeit, Wirklichkeit.” Metaphysica – special issue 1: 73–92.
Meixner, Uwe. 2000b. “Essential Conceptions of Events.” in Things, Facts and Events, edited by Jan Faye, Uwe Scheffler, and Max Urchs, pp. 183–194. Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities n. 76. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Meixner, Uwe. 2000c. “Modalität und Existenz.” in Neue Ontologie und Metaphysik, edited by Rafael Hüntelmann and Erwin Tegtmeier, pp. 43–68. Sankt Augustin b. Bonn: Academia Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe. 2001a. Theorie der Kausalität: Ein Leitfaden zum Kausalbegriff in zwei Teilen. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe. 2001b. “Is Logic the Science of the Laws of Truth?” in Building on Frege: New Essays on Sense, Content, and Concept, edited by Albert Newen, Ulrich Nortmann, and Rainer Stuhlmann-Laeisz, pp. 329–344. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications. Papers presented at a meeting from the 7th to the 10th of October, 1998, in the Gustav-Streseman-Institute in Bonn.
Meixner, Uwe. 2002. “Change and Change-Ersatz.” in Individuals, Essence and Identity. Themes in Analytic Metaphysics, edited by Andrea Bottani, Pierdaniele Giaretta, and Massimiliano Carrara, pp. 427–450. Topoi Library n. 4. Dordrecht: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-94-017-1866-0.
Meixner, Uwe. 2003a. “Die Aktualität Husserls für die moderne Philosophie des Geistes.” in Seele, Denken, Bewusstsein. Zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Geistes, edited by Uwe Meixner and Albert Newen, pp. 308–388. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Meixner, Uwe. 2003b. “Der Begriff der Notwendigkeit in der Antike und in der Gegenwart.” in Possibility and Reality – Metaphysics and Logic, edited by Hans Rott and Vı́tezslav Horák, pp. 13–50. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe. 2004a. Einführung in die Ontologie. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
Meixner, Uwe. 2004b. The Two Sides of Being: A Reassessment of Psycho-Physical Dualism. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe. 2004c. “Consciousness and Freedom.” in Analytic Philosophy Without Naturalism, edited by Antonella Corradini, Sergio Galvan, and Edward Jonathan Lowe, pp. 183–196. Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Philosophy n. 27. London: Routledge.
Meixner, Uwe. 2004d. “Besprechung von Buchheim, Flashar and King (2003).” Grazer Philosophische Studien 67: 240–242.
Meixner, Uwe. 2005a. “The Rationality of (a Form of) Relative Identity.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71(2): 449–455.
Meixner, Uwe. 2005b. “Laws of Nature – A Skeptical View.” in Nature’s Principles, edited by Jan Faye, Paul Needham, Uwe Scheffler, and Max Urchs, pp. 229–238. Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science n. 4. Dordrecht: Springer.
Meixner, Uwe. 2006b. The Theory of Ontic Modalities. Philosophische Analyse / Philosophical Analysis n. 13. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe. 2007. “Husserls Dualismus.” in Geschichte der Philosophie des Geistes, edited by Uwe Meixner and Albert Newen, pp. 157–179. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 10. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe. 2008a. Modalität. Möglichkeit, Notwendigkeit, Essenzialismus. Rote Reihe n. 26. Frankfurt a.M.: Vittorio Klostermann.
Meixner, Uwe. 2008b. “Review of Brenner (2008).” Metaphysica 9(2): 247–250.
Meixner, Uwe. 2008c. “A Brief Ontology of Spatial and Temporal Localization.” in Persistence, edited by Christian Kanzian, pp. 91–102. Philosophische Analyse / Philosophical Analysis n. 21. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe. 2008d. “The Reductio of Reductive and Non-Reductive Materialism – and a New Start.” in Psycho-Physical Dualism Today. An Interdisciplinary Approach, edited by Alessandro Antonietti, Antonella Corradini, and Edward Jonathan Lowe, pp. 143–166. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
Meixner, Uwe. 2009a. Philosophische Anfangsgründe der Quantenphysik. Frankfurt a.M.: Vittorio Klostermann.
Meixner, Uwe. 2009b. “From Plato to Frege: Paradigms of Predication in the History of Ideas.” Metaphysica 10(2): 199–214.
Meixner, Uwe. 2009c. “States of Affairs – The Full Picture.” in States of Affairs, edited by Maria Elisabeth Reicher, pp. 51–70. Philosophische Analyse / Philosophical Analysis n. 30. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe. 2009d. “The Non-Physicalness of Material Objects.” in Unity and Time in Metaphysics. Proceedings of a conference held Sept. 26-28, 2007 in Berlin, Germany, edited by Ludger Honnefelder, Edmund Runggaldier, and Benedikt Schick, pp. 46–66. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Meixner, Uwe. 2009e. “Besprechung von Zimmerman (2007).” Grazer Philosophische Studien 78: 308–314.
Meixner, Uwe. 2009f. “Three Indications for the Existence of God in Causal Metaphysics.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 66(1): 33–46.
Meixner, Uwe. 2010a. Modelling Metaphysics: The Metaphysics of a Model. Philosophische Analyse / Philosophical Analysis n. 34. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe. 2010b. “Husserls transzendentaler Idealismus als Supervenienzthese. Ein interner Realismus.” in Husserl und die Philosophie des Geistes, edited by Manfred Frank and Niels Weidtmann, pp. 178–208. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe. 2010c. “Materialism Does Not Save the Phenomena – and the Alternative Which Does.” in The Waning of Materialism, edited by Robert C. Koons and George Bealer, pp. 417–438. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199556182.001.0001.
Meixner, Uwe. 2010d. “The Emergence of Rational Souls.” in Emergence in Science and Philosophy, edited by Antonella Corradini and Timothy O’Connor, pp. 163–179. Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 6. London: Routledge.
Meixner, Uwe. 2011. “Causal Equivalence as a Basis for the Specification of Neural Correlates.” in Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Kevin Mulligan, edited by Anne Reboul. Genève: Département de philosophie, Université de Genève. Reprinted in Reboul (2014b, 2: 293–298), http://kevin.philosophie.ch.
Meixner, Uwe. 2012a. “A Cosmo-Ontological Argument for the Existence of a First Cause – perhaps God.” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4(2): 169–178. Reprinted in Szatkowski (2012, 193–204).
Meixner, Uwe. 2012b. “The Interpretation(s) of Predication.” in Metaphysics: Aristotelian, Scholastic, Analytic, edited by Lukáš Novák, Daniel D. Novotný, Prokop Sousedı́k, and David Svoboda, pp. 229–246. Contemporary Scholasticism n. 1. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe. 2012c. “The Naturalness of Dualism.” in After Physicalism, edited by Benedikt Paul Göcke, pp. 25–47. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
Meixner, Uwe. 2013a. “Three Logico-Ontological Notions and Mereology.” in Johanssonian Investigations. Essays in Honour of Ingvar Johansson on His Seventieth Birthday, edited by Christer Svennerlind, Jan Almäng, and Rögnvaldur D. Ingthorsson, pp. 439–447. EIDE – Foundations of Ontology n. 5. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe. 2013b. “Against Physicalism.” in Contemporary Dualism. A Defense, edited by Andrea Lavazza and Howard Robinson, pp. 17–34. Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy n. 54. London: Routledge.
Meixner, Uwe. 2013c. “First Causes: Divine and Human.” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 5(1): 125–140.
Meixner, Uwe. 2014a. Defending Husserl. Philosophische Analyse / Philosophical Analysis n. 52. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Meixner, Uwe. 2014b. “Remarks on the Matter of Materiality.” in New Scholasticism Meets Analytic Philosophy, edited by Rafael Hüntelmann and Johannes Hattler, pp. 3–18. Neunkirchen-Seelscheid: Editiones Scholasticae.
Meixner, Uwe. 2014c. “Materiality and Immateriality.” in Neo-Aristotelian Perspectives in Metaphysics, edited by Daniel D. Novotný and Lukáš Novák, pp. 201–220. Routledge Studies in Metaphysics n. 8. London: Routledge.
Meixner, Uwe. 2014d. “Of Quantum Physics and DOMINDARs.” in Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind. New Essays on the Mind-Body Relation in Quantum-Theoretical Perspective, edited by Antonella Corradini and Uwe Meixner, pp. 17–34. Philosophische Analyse / Philosophical Analysis n. 56. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Meixner, Uwe. 2014e. “Thesen und Argumente zu Akteurskausalität, Potenzen, Dispositionen.” in Vermögen und Handlung. Der dispositionale Realismus und unser Selbstverständnis als Handelnde, edited by Anne Sophie Spann and Daniel Wehinger, pp. 225–241. Münster: Mentis Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe. 2014f. “The Case for Agent-Causation.” in Substantiality and Causality, edited by Mirosław Szatkowski and Marek Rosiak, pp. 113–128. Philosophische Analyse / Philosophical Analysis n. 60. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Meixner, Uwe. 2014g. “Causal Equivalence as a Basis for the Specification of Neural Correlates.” in Mind, Values, and Metaphysics. Philosophical Essays in Honor of Kevin Mulligan, volume 2, edited by Anne Reboul, pp. 293–298. Cham: Springer. Book publication of Reboul (2011).
Meixner, Uwe. 2015. “Die fundamentale Zusammensetzung der Gegenstände und die Einfachheit Gottes. Eine axiomatisch-logische Rekonstruktion.” in Eigenschaften Gottes. Ein Gespräch zwischen systematischer Theologie und analytischer Philosophie, edited by Thomas Marschler and Thomas Schärtl, pp. 153–230. Münster: Aschendorff.
Meixner, Uwe. 2016. “Truth against Reason, and Reason against Truth.” in Analytic and Continental Philosophy. Methods and Perspectives. Proceedings of the 37th International Wittgenstein Symposium, edited by Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl and Harald A. Wiltsche, pp. 173–183. Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (new series) n. 23. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Meixner, Uwe. 2017a. “Idealism and Panpsychism.” in Panpsychism. Contemporary Perspectives, edited by Godehard Brüntrup and Ludwig Jaskolla, pp. 387–406. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199359943.001.0001.
Meixner, Uwe. 2017b. “Abstract.” in Handbook of Mereology, edited by Hans Burkhardt, Johanna Seibt, Guido Imaguire, and Stamatios Gerogiorgakis, pp. 25–28. Analytica: Investigations in Logic, Ontology, and the Philosophy of Language. München: Philosophia Verlag, doi:10.2307/j.ctv2nrzj8n.
Meixner, Uwe. 2017c. “Axiomatic Method.” in Handbook of Mereology, edited by Hans Burkhardt, Johanna Seibt, Guido Imaguire, and Stamatios Gerogiorgakis, pp. 89–93. Analytica: Investigations in Logic, Ontology, and the Philosophy of Language. München: Philosophia Verlag, doi:10.2307/j.ctv2nrzj8n.
Meixner, Uwe. 2017d. “Universal.” in Handbook of Mereology, edited by Hans Burkhardt, Johanna Seibt, Guido Imaguire, and Stamatios Gerogiorgakis, pp. 589–593. Analytica: Investigations in Logic, Ontology, and the Philosophy of Language. München: Philosophia Verlag, doi:10.2307/j.ctv2nrzj8n.
Meixner, Uwe. 2017e. “Substance Dualism.” in The Palgrave Handbook of the Afterlife, edited by Yujin Nagasawa and Benjamin Matheson, pp. 277–296. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Meixner, Uwe. 2017f. “Agent-Causation – neither Upward nor Downward.” in Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives on Downward Causation, edited by Michele Paolini Paoletti and Francesco Orilia, pp. 278–295. New York: Routledge, doi:10.4324/9781315638577.
Meixner, Uwe. 2019. “Metaphysical Differences.” in Quo Vadis, Metaphysics? Essays in Honor of Peter van Inwagen, edited by Mirosław Szatkowski, pp. 83–102. Philosophical Analysis n. 81. Berlin: de Gruyter, doi:10.1515/9783110664812.
Meixner, Uwe. 2020. “Orthodox Panentheism: Sergius Bulgakov’s Sophiology.” in Panentheism and Panpsychism. Philosophy of Religion Meets Philosophy of Mind, edited by Godehard Brüntrup, Benedikt Paul Göcke, and Ludwig Jaskolla, pp. 205–230. Innsbruck Studies in Philosophy of Religion n. 2. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe and Newen, Albert, eds. 1999. Antike Philosophie. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 2. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe and Newen, Albert, eds. 2000. Philosophie der Neuzeit: From Descartes to Kant. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 3. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe and Newen, Albert, eds. 2001. Grundlagen der Analytischen Philosophie. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 4. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe and Newen, Albert, eds. 2002. Philosophie des Mittelalters. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 5. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe and Newen, Albert, eds. 2003a. Geschichte der Ethik. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 6. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe and Newen, Albert, eds. 2003b. Seele, Denken, Bewusstsein. Zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Geistes. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Meixner, Uwe and Newen, Albert, eds. 2004. Geschichte der Naturphilosophie. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 7. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe and Newen, Albert, eds. 2005. Geschichte der Erkenntnistheorie. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 8. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe and Newen, Albert, eds. 2006. Geschichte der Ontologie und ein Schwerpunkt zu Plato. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 9. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe and Newen, Albert, eds. 2007. Geschichte der Philosophie des Geistes. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 10. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe and Newen, Albert, eds. 2009. Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 12. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Meixner, Uwe and Simons, Peter M., eds. 2001. Proceedings of the 22nd International Wittgenstein Symposium: Metaphysics in the Post-Metaphysical Age. Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft n. 28. Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.
Further References
Brenner, Joseph E. 2008. Logic in Reality. Dordrecht: Springer.
Buchheim, Thomas, Flashar, Hellmut and King, Richard A. H., eds. 2003. Kann man heute noch etwas anfangen mit Aristoteles? Hamburg: ?
Reboul, Anne, ed. 2011. Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Kevin Mulligan. Genève: Département de philosophie, Université de Genève. Book publication: Reboul (2014a), http://kevin.philosophie.ch.
Reboul, Anne, ed. 2014a. Mind, Values, and Metaphysics. Philosophical Essays in Honor of Kevin Mulligan. vol. 1. Cham: Springer. Book publication of Reboul (2011).
Reboul, Anne, ed. 2014b. Mind, Values, and Metaphysics. Philosophical Essays in Honor of Kevin Mulligan. vol. 2. Cham: Springer. Book publication of Reboul (2011).
Szatkowski, Mirosław, ed. 2012. Ontological Proofs Today. Philosophische Analyse / Philosophical Analysis n. 50. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Zimmerman, Dean W., ed. 2007. Oxford Studies in Metaphysics. vol. III. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199218394.001.0001.