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Trenton Merricks (merricks)

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    Merricks, Trenton. 1994a. Endurance and Indiscernibility.” The Journal of Philosophy 91: 165–184.
    Merricks, Trenton. 1994b. A New Objection to A Priori Arguments for Dualism.” American Philosophical Quarterly 31: 80–85.
    Merricks, Trenton. 1995a. On the Incompatibility of Enduring and Perduring Entities.” Mind 104: 523–531.
    Merricks, Trenton. 1995b. Review of Kim (1993).” Philosophical Books 36(3): 156–161.
    Merricks, Trenton. 1997. Fission and Personal Identity over Time.” Philosophical Studies 88: 163–186.
    Merricks, Trenton. 1998a. On Whether Being Conscious is Intrinsic.” Mind 107.
    Merricks, Trenton. 1998b. Against the Doctrine of Microphysical Supervenience.” Mind 107: 59–71.
    Merricks, Trenton. 1999a. Composition as Identity, Mereological Essentialism, and Counterpart Theory.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 77: 192–195.
    Merricks, Trenton. 1999b. Persistence, Parts, and Presentism.” Noûs 33(3): 421–438.
    Merricks, Trenton. 1999c. The Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting.” in Reason for the Hope Within, edited by Michael J. Murray, pp. 261–286. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Reprinted in Rea (2009, 364–385).
    Merricks, Trenton. 2000a. ‘No Statues’ .” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 78.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2000b. Perdurance and Psychological Continuity.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 61(1): 195–198.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2001a. Objects and Persons. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/0199245363.001.0001.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2001b. Varieties of Vagueness.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62(1): 145–157.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2001c. Realism about Personal Identity over Time.” in Philosophical Perspectives 15: Metaphysics, edited by James E. Tomberlin, pp. 173–187. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2001d. How to Live Forever without Saving Your Soul: Physicalism and Immortality.” in Soul, Body, and Survival – Essays on the Metaphysics of Human Persons, edited by Kevin Corcoran, pp. 183–200. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2002. Conditional Probability and Defeat.” in Naturalism Defeated? Essays on Plantinga’s Evolutionary Argument against Naturalism, edited by James K. Beilby, pp. 165–175. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2003a. The End of Counterpart Theory.” The Journal of Philosophy 100(10): 521–549.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2003b. Maximality and Consciousness.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 66(1): 150–158.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2003c. Précis of Merricks (2001a).” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 67(3): 700–703.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2003d. Replies [to Lowe (2003), Dorr (2003) and Sider (2003)].” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 67(3): 727–744.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2005. Composition and Vagueness.” Mind 114(455): 615–637.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2006a. Goodbye Growing Block.” in Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, volume II, edited by Dean W. Zimmerman, pp. 103–110. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199290581.001.0001.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2006b. Split Brains and the Godhead.” in Knowledge and Reality. Essays in Honor of Alvin Plantinga, edited by Thomas M. Crisp, Matthew Davidson, and David A. Vander Laan, pp. 299–326. Philosophical Studies Series n. 103. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2007a. Truth and Ontology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199205233.001.0001.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2007b. The World Made Flesh: Dualism, Physicalism, and the Incarnation.” in Persons. Human and Divine, edited by Peter van Inwagen and Dean W. Zimmerman, pp. 281–300. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2007c. Remarks on Vagueness and Arbitrariness.” Mind 116(461): 115–119.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2008a. Summary [of Merricks (2007a)].” Philosophical Books 49(4): 289–291.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2008b. Replies to Cameron, Schaffer and Soames [on Merricks (2007a)].” Philosophical Books 49(4): 328–343.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2009a. Truth and Freedom.” The Philosophical Review 118(1): 29–57.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2009b. Propositional Attitudes? Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 109(3): 207–232.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2009c. The Resurrection of the Body.” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Theology, edited by Thomas P. Flint and Michael C. Rea, pp. 476–490. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2010. Review of Koslicki (2008).” The Journal of Philosophy 107(9): 301–307.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2011a. Précis of Merricks (2007a).” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 83(1): 184–186.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2011b. Replies [to commentators of Merricks (2007a)].” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 83(1): 212–233.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2011c. Foreknowledge and Freedom.” The Philosophical Review 120(4): 567–586.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2011d. Truth and Molinism.” in Molinism. The Contemporary Debate, edited by Kenneth J. Perszyk, pp. 50–72. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199590629.001.0001.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2011e. Replies to Hasker (2011b) and Zimmerman (2011).” in Molinism. The Contemporary Debate, edited by Kenneth J. Perszyk, pp. 90–95. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199590629.001.0001.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2012. Singular Propositions.” in Reason, Metaphysics, and Mind. New Essays on the Philosophy of Alvin Plantinga, edited by Kelly James Clark and Michael C. Rea, pp. 61–81. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199766864.001.0001.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2013. Three Comments on Writing the Book of the World [on Sider (2011)].” Analysis 73(4): 722–736.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2015. Propositions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198732563.001.0001.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2017a. Do Ordinary Objects Exist? No. in Current Controversies in Metaphysics, edited by Elizabeth Barnes, pp. 135–148. Current Controversies in Philosophy. New York: Routledge.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2017b. Locating Vagueness.” The Journal of Philosophy 114(5): 221–250.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2017c. Summary [of Merricks (2015)].” Analysis 77(2): 357–359.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2017d. Replies to Glick (2017), Hanks (2017) and Magidor (2017).” Analysis 77(2): 393–411.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2018. The Word Made Flesh: Dualism, Physicalism, and the Incarnation.” in The Blackwell Companion to Substance Dualism, edited by Jonathan J. Loose, Angus J. L. Menuge, and James Porter Moreland, pp. 452–468. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781119468004.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2019. The Only Way To Be.” Noûs 53(3): 593–612.
    Merricks, Trenton. 2022. Self and Identity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780192843432.001.0001.

Further References

    Dorr, Cian. 2003. Merricks on the Existence of Human Organisms [on Merricks (2001a)].” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 67(3): 711–718.
    Glick, Ephraim. 2017. The Argument for Propositions from Modal Validity [on Merricks (2015)].” Analysis 77(2): 359–370.
    Hanks, Peter W. 2017. The Explanatory Role of Propositions [on Merricks (2015)].” Analysis 77(2): 370–379.
    Hasker, William. 2011a. Materialism and the Resurrection: Are the Prospects Improving? European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 3(1): 83–103.
    Hasker, William. 2011b. Trenton Merricks on Some Anti-Molinist Arguments [on Merricks (2011d)].” in Molinism. The Contemporary Debate, edited by Kenneth J. Perszyk, pp. 73–77. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199590629.001.0001.
    Kim, Jaegwon. 1993. Supervenience and Mind: Selected Philosophical Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625220.
    Koslicki, Kathrin. 2008. The Structure of Objects. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199539895.001.0001.
    Lowe, Edward Jonathan. 2003. In Defense of Moderate-Sized Specimens of Dry Goods [on Merricks (2001a)].” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 67(3): 704–710.
    Magidor, Ofra. 2017. Logical Validity, Necessary Existence and the Nature of Propositions [on Merricks (2015)].” Analysis 77(2): 379–393.
    Rea, Michael C., ed. 2009. Providence, Scripture, and Resurrection. Oxford Readings in Philosophical Theology n. 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Sider, Theodore. 2003. What’s so Bad about Overdetermination? [on Merricks (2001a)].” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 67(3): 719–726.
    Sider, Theodore. 2011. Writing the Book of the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199697908.001.0001.
    Zimmerman, Dean W. 2011. Pro Haskeris Contradictione [on Hasker (2011a)].” in Molinism. The Contemporary Debate, edited by Kenneth J. Perszyk, pp. 78–89. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199590629.001.0001.