James Messina (messina-j)
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Messina, James. 2011. “Answering Aenesidemus: Schulze’s Attack on Reinholdian Representationalism and its Importance for Fichte.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 49(3): 339–369.
Messina, James. 2014a. “Kantian Space, Supersubstantivalism, and the Spirit of Spinoza.” Kant Yearbook 6: 43–63.
Messina, James. 2014b. “Kant on the Unity of Space and the Synthetic Unity of Apperception.” Kant-Studien 105(1): 5–40.
Messina, James. 2015. “Conceptual Analysis and the Essence of Space: Kant’s Metaphysical Exposition Revisited.” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 97(4): 416–457.
Messina, James. 2016. “The Fate of the World (and Compossibility) After Leibniz: The Development of Cosmology in German Philosophy from Leibniz to Kant.” in Leibniz on Compossibility and Possible Worlds, edited by Gregory Brown and Yual Chiek, pp. 227–250. Cham: Springer.
Messina, James. 2017a. “The Relationship between Space and Mutual Interaction: Kant Contra Newton and Leibniz.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47(1): 43–65.
Messina, James. 2017b. “Kant’s Necessitation Account of Laws and the Nature of Natures.” in Kant and the Laws of Nature, edited by Michaela Massimi and Angela Breitenbach, pp. 131–149. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781316389645.
Messina, James. 2018. “Where the Laws of Physics (and Geometry) Lie: A Reading of Prolegomena §38.” in Natur und Freiheit. Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant Kongresses, volume II, edited by Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing, and David Wagner, pp. 1091–1098. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Messina, James. 2021. “The Content of Kant’s Pure Category of Substance and Its Use on Phenomena and Noumena.” Philosophers' imprint 21(29).
Messina, James and Rutherford, Donald P. 2009. “Leibniz on Compossibility.” Philosophy Compass 4(6): 962–977.