Carlo Natali (natali-c)
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Maso, Stefano, Natali, Carlo and Seel, Gerhard, eds. 2012. Reading Aristotle’s Physics VII.3: “What is Alteration?” Proceedings of the European Society for Ancient Philosophy Conference, Vitznau, Switzerland, 12-15 April 2007. Las Vegas, Nevada: Parmenides Publishing.
Natali, Carlo. 1990. “Aristote et la chrématistique.” in Aristoteles’ Politik. Akten des XI. Symposium Aristotelicum: Friedrichshafen/Bodensee, 25.8.-3.9. 1987, edited by Günther Patzig, pp. 297–324. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Natali, Carlo. 1995a. “Oikonomia in Hellenistic Political Thought.” in Justice and Generosity. Studies in Hellenistic Social and Political Philosophy. Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium Hellenisticum, Cambridge, 1992, edited by André Laks and Malcolm Schofield, pp. 95–128. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Natali, Carlo. 1995b. “Commenti su Cavini (1995).” in Reading the Statesman. Third Symposium Platonicum, Bristol, 1992, edited by Christopher J. Rowe. International Plato Studies n. 4. Sankt Augustin b. Bonn: Academia Verlag.
Natali, Carlo. 1995c. “Commenti su Bravo (1995).” in Reading the Statesman. Third Symposium Platonicum, Bristol, 1992, edited by Christopher J. Rowe. International Plato Studies n. 4. Sankt Augustin b. Bonn: Academia Verlag.
Natali, Carlo. 1997. “Le cause del Timeo e la teoria delle quattro cause.” in Interpreting the “Timaeus-Critias.” Proceedings of the IV Symposium Platonicum, Granada, 1995, edited by Tomás Calvo and Luc Brisson. International Plato Studies n. 9. Sankt Augustin b. Bonn: Academia Verlag.
Natali, Carlo. 2003. “La forma platonica è una causa formale?” in Platon und Aristoteles – sub ratione veritatis. Festschrift für Wolfgang Wieland zum 70. Geburtstag, edited by Gregor Damschen, Rainer Enskat, and Alejandro G. Vigo, pp. 158–174. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Natali, Carlo. 2004a. L’action efficace : études sur la philosophie de l’action d’Aristote. Aristote, traductions et études. Louvain la Neuve: Éditions Peeters.
Natali, Carlo. 2004b. “Socrates’ Dialectic in Xenophon’s Memorabilia.” in Socrates: 2400 Years since his Death, edited by Vassilis Karasmanis, pp. 15–28. Delphi: European Cultural Center of Delphi. Reprinted in Judson and Karasmanis (2006, 3–19).
Natali, Carlo. 2004c. “On Generation and Corruption I.6.” in Aristotle: On Generation and Corruption, Book 1. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Symposium Aristotelicum, Deurne, 1999, edited by Frans A. J. De Haas and Jaap Mansfield, pp. 195–218. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Natali, Carlo. 2007a. “Aspasius on Nicomachean Ethics 7: An Ancient Example of ‘Higher Criticism’?” in Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, volume 33, edited by David Sedley, pp. 347–368. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Natali, Carlo. 2007b. “Aristotle’s Conception of Dunamis and Techne.” in Reading Ancient Texts. Volume II: Aristotle and Neoplatonism. Essays in Honour of Denis O’Brien, edited by Suzanne Stern-Gillet and Kevin Corrigan, pp. 3–22. Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History n. 161. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Natali, Carlo. 2008. “Dynamis e techne nel pensiero di Aristotele.” in Dynamis: Autour de la puissance chez Aristote, edited by Michel Crubellier, Annick Jaulin, David Lefebre, and Morel Pierre-Marie, pp. 271–290. Louvain la Neuve: Éditions Peeters.
Natali, Carlo, ed. 2009a. Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics, Book 7. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Symposium Aristotelicum, Venezia 11.16 Iuglio 2005. New York: Oxford University Press.
Natali, Carlo. 2009b. “Nicomachean Ethics VII.5-6: Beastliness, Irascibility, akrasia.” in Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics, Book 7. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Symposium Aristotelicum, Venezia 11.16 Iuglio 2005, edited by Carlo Natali, pp. 103–129. New York: Oxford University Press.
Natali, Carlo. 2010. “Particular Virtues in the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle.” in Particulars in Greek Philosophy. The Seventh S.V. Keeling Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, edited by Robert W. Sharples, pp. 73–96. Philosophia Antiqua n. 120. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Further References
Bravo, Francisco. 1995. “La ontologı́a de la definición en el Politico de Platon.” in Reading the Statesman. Third Symposium Platonicum, Bristol, 1992, edited by Christopher J. Rowe. International Plato Studies n. 4. Sankt Augustin b. Bonn: Academia Verlag.
Cavini, Walter. 1995. “Naming and Argument: Diaeretic Logic in Plato’s Statesman.” in Reading the Statesman. Third Symposium Platonicum, Bristol, 1992, edited by Christopher J. Rowe. International Plato Studies n. 4. Sankt Augustin b. Bonn: Academia Verlag.
Judson, Lindsay and Karasmanis, Vassilis, eds. 2006. Remembering Socrates: Philosophical Essays. Oxford: Oxford University Press.