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Peter Nickl (nickl)

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Praescientia in der „Consolatio philosophiae“

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    Gerr, Wolfgang D., Grafe, Tim, Liesert, Reinhardt, Müller, Johannes and Nickl, Peter. 2013. Living with Kitcher? in Philip Kitcher. Pragmatic Naturalism, edited by Marie I. Kaiser and Ansgar Seide, pp. 45–60. Münstersche Vorlesungen zur Philosophie n. 15. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
    Nickl, Peter. 2005. Ordnung der Gefühle. Studien zum Begriff des habitus. 2nd ed. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.
    Nickl, Peter. 2010. Libertas proprie non est nisi in voluntate. Libertà e soggettività in Pietro di Giovanni Olivi.” in Pierre de Jean Olivi – Philosophe et théologien, edited by Catherine König-Pralong, Olivier Ribordy, and Tiziana Suárez-Nani, pp. 355–368. Scrinium Friburgense n. 29. Berlin: de Gruyter.