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Robert Northcott (northcott-r)

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    Alexandrova, Anna and Northcott, Robert. 2009. Progress in Economics: Lessons from the Spectrum Auctions.” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Economics, edited by Harold Kincaid and Don Ross, pp. 306–336. Oxford Handbooks. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Northcott, Robert. 2006. Causal Efficacy and the Analysis of Variance.” Biology and Philosophy 21(2): 253–276.
    Northcott, Robert. 2008. Causation and Contrast Classes.” Philosophical Studies 139(1): 111–123.
    Northcott, Robert. 2009. On Lewis, Schaffer and the Non-Reductive Evaluation of Counterfactuals.” Theoria 75(4): 336–343.
    Northcott, Robert. 2010. Natural-Born Determinists: A New Defense of Causation as Probability-Raising.” Philosophical Studies 150(1): 1–20.
    Northcott, Robert. 2012a. Genetic Traits and Causal Explanation.” in Philosophy of Behavioral Biology, edited by Kathryn S. Plaisance and Thomas A. C. Reydon, pp. 65–84. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 282. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Northcott, Robert. 2012b. Partial Explanations in Social Science.” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Social Science, edited by Harold Kincaid, pp. 130–153. Oxford Handbooks. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195392753.001.0001.
    Northcott, Robert. 2013a. Verisimilitude: A Causal Approach.” Synthese 190(9): 1471–1488.
    Northcott, Robert. 2013b. Degree of Explanation.” Synthese 190(15): 3087–3105.
    Northcott, Robert. 2016. A Dilemma for the Doomsday Argument.” Ratio 29(3): 268–282.
    Northcott, Robert. 2021. Economic Theory and Empirical Science.” in The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Economics, edited by Conrad Heilmann and Julian Reiss, pp. 387–396. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge. Copyright year incorrectly given as 2022.
    Northcott, Robert and Piccinini, Gualtiero. 2018. Conceived This Way: Innateness Defended.” Philosophers' imprint 18(18).