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Donald L. Nute (nute)

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    Covington, Michael A., Nute, Donald L., Schmitz, Nora and Goodman, David M. 1988. From English to Prolog via Discourse Representation Theory.” 01–0024. Athen, Georgia: Advanced Computational Research Center, University of Georgia.
    Fetzer, James H. and Nute, Donald L. 1979. Syntax, Semantics, and Ontology: A Probabilistic Causal Calculus.” Synthese 40: 453–495.
    Fetzer, James H. and Nute, Donald L. 1980. A Probabilistic Causal Calculus: Conflicting Conceptions.” Synthese 44: 241–246.
    Nute, Donald L. 1974. Barry Miller on Proper Names.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 52(3): 237–239.
    Nute, Donald L. 1978a. Do Proper Names Always Rigidly Designate? Canadian Journal of Philosophy 8(3): 475–484.
    Nute, Donald L. 1978b. Moderate Permission.” Unpublished manuscript, Philosophy Department, University of Georgia.
    Nute, Donald L. 1979. Extensional Equivalence of Simple and General Utilitarian Principles.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20(1): 32–36.
    Nute, Donald L. 1980a. Topics in Conditional Logic. Philosophical Studies Series n. 20. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Nute, Donald L. 1980b. Conversational Scorekeeping and Conditionals.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 9(2): 153–166.
    Nute, Donald L. 1981a. Causes, Laws, and Law Statements.” Synthese 48: 347–369.
    Nute, Donald L. 1981b. Introduction.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 10(2): 127–147. Introduction to a special issue on conditionals.
    Nute, Donald L. 1981c. Strong Permission.” Unpublished manuscript, Philosophy Department, University of Georgia.
    Nute, Donald L. 1983. Tense and Conditionals.” Unpublished manuscript, University of Georgia.
    Nute, Donald L. 1984. Conditional Logic.” in Handbook of Philosophical Logic, Volume II: Extensions of Classical Logic, edited by Dov M. Gabbay and Franz Guenthner, pp. 387–439. Synthese Library n. 165. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co. Reprinted in revised form as Nute and Cross (2001).
    Nute, Donald L. 1985a. Permission.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 14(2): 169–190.
    Nute, Donald L. 1985b. A Non-Monotonic Logic Based on Conditional Logic.” acmc research report 01–0007. Athen, Georgia: Advanced Computational Methods Center, University of Georgia.
    Nute, Donald L. 1988. Defeasible Reasoning: A Philosophical Analysis in Prolog.” in Aspects of Artificial Intelligence, edited by James H. Fetzer, pp. 251–288. Studies in Cognitive Systems n. 1. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Nute, Donald L. 1990. Defeasible Logic and the Frame Problem.” in The Frame Problem and Relevant Predication, edited by Henry E. Kyburg Jr., Ronald P. Loui, and Gregory N. Carlson, pp. 3–21. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Nute, Donald L. 1994. Defeasible Logic.” in Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming, Volume 3: Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Uncertain Reasoning, edited by Dov M. Gabbay, Christopher J. Hogger, and James A. Robinson, pp. 353–395. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Nute, Donald L., ed. 1995. Essays in Defeasible Deontic Logic. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Nute, Donald L., ed. 1997a. Defeasible Deontic Logic. Synthese Library n. 263. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Nute, Donald L. 1997b. Apparent Obligation.” in Defeasible Deontic Logic, edited by Donald L. Nute, pp. 287–316. Synthese Library n. 263. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Nute, Donald L. 1998. Possible Worlds without Possibilia.” in Thought, Language and Ontology – Essays in Memory of Hector-Neri Castañeda, edited by Francesco Orilia and William J. Rapaport, pp. 153–168. Philosophical Studies Series n. 76. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Nute, Donald L. 1999. Norms, Priorities, and Defeasibility.” in Norms, Logics and Information Systems: New Studies in Deontic Logic and Computer Science, edited by Paul McNamara and Henry Prakken, pp. 201–218. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and its Applications. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
    Nute, Donald L., Billington, David and Coster, Koen de. 1989. Defeasible Logic and Inheritance Hierarchies with Exceptions.” Unpublished manuscript, University of Georgia.
    Nute, Donald L. and Cross, Charles B. 2001. Conditional Logic.” in Handbook of Philosophical Logic, Volume IV, edited by Dov M. Gabbay and Franz Guenthner, 2nd ed., pp. 1–98. Dordrecht: Springer. First publication as Nute (1984).
    Nute, Donald L. and Yu, Xiaochang. 1997. Introduction.” in Defeasible Deontic Logic, edited by Donald L. Nute, pp. 1–16. Synthese Library n. 263. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.