Jon Oberlander (oberlander)
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Lascarides, Alex, Asher, Nicholas and Oberlander, Jon. 1992. “Inferring Discourse Relations in Context.” in ACL-92. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, edited by Henry S. Thompson, pp. 1–8. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Lascarides, Alex and Oberlander, Jon. 1992. “Abducing Temporal Discourse.” in Aspects of Automated Natural Language Generation: 6th International Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Trento, Italy, April 5–7, 1992, edited by Robert Dale, Eduard H. Hovy, Dieter Rössner, and Oliviero Stock, pp. 167–182. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence n. 587. Berlin: Springer.
Lascarides, Alex and Oberlander, Jon. 1993a. “Temporal Coherence and Defeasible Knowledge.” Theoretical Linguistics 19(1): 1–35.
Lascarides, Alex and Oberlander, Jon. 1993b. “Temporal Connectives in a Discourse Context.” in EACL’93. Proceedings of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 260–268. Mahweh, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Mellish, Christopher S., Knott, Alisdair, Oberlander, Jon and O’Donnell, Mick. 1998. “Experiments Using Stochastic Search for Text Planning.” in INLG’98. Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Natural Language Generation, edited by Eduard H. Hovy, pp. 98–107. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Mellish, Christopher S., O’Donnell, Michael J., Oberlander, Jon and Knott, Alisdair. 1998. “An Architecture for Opportunistic Text Generation.” in INLG’98. Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Natural Language Generation, edited by Eduard H. Hovy, pp. 28–37. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Oberlander, Jon. 1993. “Review of Cohen, Morgan and Pollack (1990).” Artificial Intelligence 63(1–2): 511–520.
Oberlander, Jon. 1998. “Do the Right Thing \(\ldots\) but Expect the Unexpected.” Computational Linguistics 24(3): 501–509.
Oberlander, Jon, Cox, Richard and Stenning, Keith. 1996. “Proof Styles in Multimodal Reasoning.” in Logic, Language and Computation .Volume 1, edited by Jerry Seligman and Dag Westerståhl, pp. 419–432. CSLI Lecture Notes n. 58. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
Oberlander, Jon and Dale, Robert. 1991. “Generating Expressions Referring to Eventualities.” in Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference of Cognitive Science Society. Detroit, Maryland: Cognitive Science Society.
Oberlander, Jon and Dayan, Peter. 1996. “Altered States and Virtual Beliefs.” in Connectionism, Concepts, and Folk Psychology. The Legacy of Alan Turing, Volume 2, edited by Andy Clark and Peter J. R. Millican, pp. 101–114. Mind Association Occasional Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Oberlander, Jon and Lascarides, Alex. 1991. “Discourse Generation, Temporal Constraints and Defeasible Reasoning.” in AAAI-91. Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Discourse Structure in Interpretation and Generation. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Oberlander, Jon and Lascarides, Alex. 1992. “Preventing False Temporal Implicatures: Interactive Defaults for Text Generation.” in COLING’92: The Fourteenth International Conference on Computational Linguistics, pp. 721–727. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Oberlander, Jon, Monaghan, Patrick X., Cox, Richard, Stenning, Keith and Tobin, R. 1999. “Unnatural Language Processing.” Journal of Logic, Language, and Information 8(3): 363–384.
Stenning, Keith and Oberlander, Jon. 1991. “Reasoning with Words, Pictures, and Calculi: Computation Versus Justification.” in Situation Theory and Its Applications, Volume 2, volume 2, edited by Jon K. Barwise, Jean Mark Gawron, Gordon D. Plotkin, and Syun Tutiya, pp. 607–621. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
Stenning, Keith and Oberlander, Jon. 1995. “A Cognitive Theory of Graphical and Linguistic Reasoning: Logic and Implementation.” Cognitive Science 19(1): 97–140.